Chapter 27

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Trevor's POV

My aim was disrupted as my phone repeatedly buzzed. I sighed, throwing the sniper rifle down and walking away from my target. So much for that tab of his getting paid..
I ripped the phone out of my pocket and answered briskly.
"Ron! What the fuck?!"
"Trevor you don't understand. She's gone!"
I paused for a moment.
"What the fuck are you talking about, Ron? Bryn's asleep."
"No, Trevor. Bryn is gone. We've checked the trailer, around the trailer. Wade even checked town. She's gone, Trevor."
I once again fell silent, the blood boiling up within. How dare she leave me! No, this couldn't be her. Bryn wouldn't leave me, or would she? The overthinking began as I brought my hands to my face, letting out a loud scream.
"Trevor calm-"
Ron pleaded.
I sighed, taking a deep breath.
"What, Ron?"
"It looks like theres biker boot prints leading to the main road. That means..."
I hung up the phone and slammed my boot into the ground. I picked up my sniper rifle and threw it in the truck, getting in and heading back to the trailer.
On the way there I sent a message to a mutual contact. I might need a little help with this one.
Don't worry darling, I'm coming to rescue you once and for all.

Bryn's POV
I woke up in a dark room. I was naked and sore, as if Johnny had gotten his way with me while I was unconscious. The metal table I was bound to caused goosebumps to travel down my body. I had to be in the lab. It reeked of gasoline. I attempted to roll over to no avail. I sighed, letting out a stray tear. I was defenseless without Trevor. But he would come save me, right? Or would he think I abandoned him?
My thoughts were interrupted by the light flickering on. Before I could even blink the greasy biker was standing over me.
"Hello again, doll. I see you've changed your hair for the millionth time. Looks nice."
I gritted my teeth and closed my eyes.
Johnny chuckled.
"Oh, I see. You run off and fuck Trevor and now I get the silent treatment, huh? Bitch, I'm the one who got you where you are today."
My cheek instantly burned red as his calloused hand swiped across it. I refused to react. He scoffed.
"You stubborn little thing. If you weren't my prized possession I would end you right now."
"Trevor will be here to save me, don't get used to having me around."
My smartass blurted out. I glanced up at the biker who smirked down at my helpless body.
"I wouldn't expect any less my dear. However, he won't be leaving with you."
"Oh yeah, what makes you say that?"
I spat.
Johnny chuckled as he turned the table to another figure in the room. The sight made my blood boil.
"Hello, darling, aren't you the little slut from my boys home? Well, I think it's about the end of the line for you, my dear."
The English voice echoed throughout the lab.
"Shut up, bitch!"
I growled.
He couldn't choose her over me, not after what she done to him..right?
"You see my dear, Ms. Philips here was in the market for some Deludamol. And you two took just a bit to long to get some."
"And this darling of a man not only satisfied my needs physically but sensually as well."
The British whore giggled at her statement, making me want to vomit. So you're telling me, I probably have herpes now due to her sloppy seconds that I had no desire to partake in.
I sighed.
"Can I at least have some clothes, Johnny?"
"Now that would take away the fun of Trevor finding your oh so willing body, wouldn't it my dear?"
I rolled my eyes, closing them once more. The only thing I could think to do is wait. Trevor would be here eventually, I'm sure of it...
I just hope he doesn't chose her over me...

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