Chapter 40

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Trevor's POV

As careful as I tried to be, I still fucking knocked her up! And I'm not even mad about that, it's just that she told me to get the fuck out of her life. So I just lost my beautiful woman and my unborn child. God fucking damn it! I just had to get drunk and bang Michael's broad.
I sighed, running my fingers through what little hair I had left. I looked around the trailer. The place was a mess. It looked like it did when Bryn came into my life, but she straightened it up, much like she did me.
I have to find a way to make this up to her. I used to think Mikey was a pretty good guy, but he's got one on me. I don't want him trying to fuck up what little strings I have left with this girl.
"Coming, Trevor!"
Within minutes Ron was at the door. I sighed, letting him in.
"Ron, how do I make this up to her?"
Ron thought for a moment, sighing.
"I don't know Trevor, I mean, what you did was kinda bad. I'm sure there's some-"
I lunged at Ron and he stepped back, beginning to shake.
"I-I'm sorry Trevor. We'll figure it out, quick!"
"Damn right we will."
I smiled to myself.
"Let's get to work."

Bryn's POV

The pregnancy was finally starting to weigh on me. The morning sickness was more brutal and I physically felt heavier. I glanced down at my stomach, caressing my bump. I wonder what he will be like? If he will take after his dad or if he will take after me. I'm hoping he has Trevor's eyes..
I caught myself getting lost in the moment and once again missing the man who ruined my life. I told him to get the fuck out of it anyways, I doubt he's even thinking of me.
I don't only want this relationship for me but especially for the child. You never know when something will happen. Just like dad dying. I want my child to have someone to lean on.
I smiled to myself.
I never thought of myself being a mom, but honestly it feels pretty damn good. To have a little hellion running around sounds very appealing. Maybe someone who will actually understand me..
Michael has been on my ass making sure I go to all these checkups and shit. He's paying for them out of pocket, and he makes me go every two weeks! Geez, his stubbornness kills me sometimes. He also does not want me getting a real job, in fear The Lost will find me. Surely they can't let me off that easily, I mean Trevor did stomp Johnny's brains out, after all.
I'm still working on the side for Lester and I'm also helping around the house, or at least the little parts Michael don't hire someone to tend to.
"Hey, Bryn."
Michael interrupted my thoughts. I looked up at him and smiled.
"What's up, Mikey?"
"Oh, nothing much. Jim was wanting to meet me for dinner at Burger Shot, I was wondering if you wanted to come with?"
Honestly, I had been craving a good burger recently. I instantly nodded, causing Michael to chuckle.
"Sounds great. Meet me downstairs in 10."
With that he left the room and I got up, searching through my clothes for something that would actually fit. I settled on some black leggings and a mustard colored sweater.
I went to tie my converse, but realized I could no longer bend over that far.
"Damn, kid."
I mumbled, rocking back and forth a few times. I finally gave in.
I called.
Michael came running.
"Hey, you okay?"
He peeked in the door, making sure I was decent.
I sighed, looking up at him.
"I can't tie my shoes."
He looked down at them then back up at me and chuckled, kneeling down to tie them.
"Thank you."
I blushed.
He smiled.
"Hey, it's no problem, really. I'll help you with whatever you need me to."
Michael extended his hand and I took it, allowing him to pull me up. We got in the car and headed to Burger Shot.
"Hey Bryn!"
Jimmy exclaimed, pulling me into a hug. I accepted it and chuckled.
"What's up, Jim?"
"Ah you know, video games and smoke, anything to keep me distracted from moms partners moaning in the room beside of me, you feel me?"
I nodded, biting my lip to avoid any snarky comments.
We finally received our food and sat down. I sat beside Michael, with Jimmy across from us.
Jimmy looked me over, taking a bite of his Bleeder Burger.
"Hey uh, I don't mean this to be rude but, are you-"
I finished, causing the flush in his face to disperse.
I nodded, smiling and rubbing my bump.
"Yeah, in a few more months we'll have another hellion on the loose."
Jimmy nodded, continuing to eat his dinner.
"So uh, is it?"
"No, son, the kid is not mine."
Michael blandly stated.
Jimmy seemed relieved for a second, then the confusion returned.
"So I'm guessing it's Uncle Trevor's?"
I nodded, finishing off my fries.
"Boom. You got it."
Jimmy nodded and continued to eat.
"Well congrats! I'm here for you."
"Thanks, 'brother.'"
I joked, making him laugh. I could tell it made Michael uneasy, however.
We finished our meal and parted ways. Michael drove us back to the house and helped me untie my shoes when we got there. Such a considerate guy. We sat on the couch and watched some more boring movies until I caught myself drifting off to sleep. He put his arm around me making me feel some type of way once more. I gave in to the affection and leaned into his embrace. I slowly fell asleep.
"Goodnight, sleeping beauty."
I heard Michael whisper.

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