Chapter 47

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Trevor's POV

I lie awake as the hands of the clock continuously do somersaults around the face. I looked over at Bryn, who was sleeping so angelically, her hand against my bare chest. I still can't believe I almost fucked this up. Never again, I've never cared so deeply over anyone before. And to think I was just gonna get that recipe from her and murder her. We've came such a long way.
Sure, I hate that she went out and fucked Mikey, but I can't hold it against her. Hell, I fucked Amanda while we were together. My stupid drunken ass had it coming. I know it meant nothing to her so why even ponder about it?
Since I've found out about her pregnancy I've tried to turn my life around. I quit smoking meth. I've been working on drinking since she's moved back home. The only thing I really do now is pot, which I'm sure Bryn doesn't mind. One day I hope to be a clean man. I want to be the father I never had. We haven't even thought of a name yet. I'm honestly so excited to meet our little spawn from hell.
I still want to ask her the question..fatass Mikey kinda spoiled it for me so it won't be as much of a surprise to her but still. I mean, she puts up with my ass, she's mothering my child, she mothers me half the time. She's a great girl, and I guess I'm a little afraid, afraid of rejection, abandonment, the things I've been so used to in my life.
I decided to rest my eyes a bit, assuming the walking stick would have something in store for us early the next morning.
As I was drifting off to sleep, I felt Bryn jolt up, screaming out in pain.
I quickly hopped up and pulled her to me, analyzing the situation within the dark room.
"Oh shit."
I mumbled.
"Trevor..he's coming."
She said through winces. I quickly picked her up and helped dress her, throwing my shirt and some jeans on. I slid into my boots and picked her up bridal style, carrying her to the truck. I sped to the nearest hospital, helping her inside as they loaded her in a wheelchair and took us up to the delivery unit. I felt my stomach churning. I was nervous. Never in my life would I have imagined this being my life today. I just didn't want to mess shit up again..
In the blink of an eye Bryn was hooked up to an IV and gowned up. I scooted the visitors chair close to her, taking her hand in mine.
"You've got this, honey."
I smiled down at her.
She gritted her teeth, looking up at me.
"I fucking hate you right now, Trevor Philips."
I chuckled, rubbing the top of her hand with my thumb.
"Doc, I think it's time for her epidural."
I yelled over the beeping of the monitors.
As the nurses came in to administer it, I stepped aside and sent out a few texts, informing everyone of the new hellion that was about to enter the world.
I knew it was gonna be a long night, but that's okay. It would be well worth it in the end.
"Congrats, Ms. Snider. You now have a healthy little boy."
The nurse smiled, presenting Bryn with our child. She took him in awe, her mouth gaping open as a smile formed on her face. She glanced over at me, and I didn't even wanna know the stupid happy look I had on my face.
"So I'm guessing you're the father?"
The nurse asked, questioning. I simply nodded. Old me would've blew up on the poor girl, but now was not the time to ruin the moment.
She smiled apologetically.
"Oh great..! Congrats, father!"
She stepped out of the room to allow us some privacy. Bryn extended her arms as I took the bundle of joy. He had Bryn's eyes..which were also Brad's eyes. The nose was definitely mine, and something about the face structure. Other than that, he looked like an exact clone of Brad. I felt tears of joy running out of my eyes. I leaned down and kissed Bryn on the head.
"You did amazing, honey."
I could tell she was worn out, from her blood red face to her tired gaze. She still remained smiling, however. I got the easy end of the deal, and just came out with a potentially broken hand.
"What should we name him?"
She spoke up.
"I don't know, love. Do you have any suggestions?"
She eyed the bundle of joy and paused for a moment, smiling.
"What about Carter? Carter Wayne Philips."
I paused for a moment. This was the biggest decision I had ever made in my life, greater than all the heists and business decisions, greater than all the murders, this was..this was the beginning of my new life.
"Carter, huh?"
I softly smiled.
"I like it."
She smiled, resting her head on the plastic pillow.
"Carter it is."

(A/N: Thank you guys for sticking with me through my crazy update schedules and such. I really appreciate the love and feedback ❤️ don't worry guys, it isn't one of those happily ever after scenarios. This isn't the end, not yet! Stay tuned loves!)

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