Chapter 50

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Bryn's POV

As I finished tucking Carter into bed, Trevor grabbed my wrist and aggressively pulled me outside. I willingly allowed myself to go with him. I already knew what this was about.
"Bryn, what in the hell do you think you're doing?!"
Trevor growled, a tone I hadn't heard in forever.
"Trevor, did you think I'm just gonna let you fucking go in balls deep to this job without me?! It's fucking dangerous, what if you get killed?!"
"Yeah, but what if we both get fucking killed?! What about the kid? It's gonna be a situation just like your fucking fathers!"
I felt tears well up in my eyes. I quickly blinked them away, standing my ground.
"Leave my fucking father out of this! Between the four of us we will make it out alive!"
"You mean between the three because you're not fucking going!"
Trevor screamed, the vessels in his forehead extruding as his face beamed red.
"Trevor what the fuck did we agree on? No more heists. No more bullshit. And look what we're doing. If you're doing this shit, I'm doing this shit. We're a fucking team!"
"I'm only doing this because I don't want Mikey to die again."
The night fell silent. I saw the hurt in Trevor's eyes.
"You think I can't fucking say no to that walking stick?! I could've fucking backed out at any minute, got up and fucking stormed off. But no, I stayed because I know my best friend needs this money and I'm gonna get it to him. Sure I want to hate his guts because he fucked you but I fucked Amanda so we're fucking even! And if anyone is going to kill him it's not gonna be that stupid fucking drug lord it's going to be me!
"Can you just not bring that up? That was almost a year ago!"
I scowled, guilt engulfing my stomach.
"Whatever, Bryn. You're not going."
"Like hell I'm not. I'm not a fucking child, Trevor. And quite frankly, you're acting like one. Don't talk to me until you calm the hell down!"
With that I stormed off the porch, thankful that I had left my keys in my car. I turned the ignition switch and before Trevor could stop me I spun off into the dusty Sandy Shores roads. I instantly felt regret. I understand why he was being this way, but if he saw my point of view he'd understand. If this was something he was going to do I was going to be right there with him.
I knew Trevor couldn't chase after me due to Carter being asleep, and I just know he wouldn't expose him to his chaotic driving. I decided to go play darts at this bar down the street. I glanced at the time, shooting my manager a text to tell her not to put me on the schedule the following weeks ahead.
So much for a normal life..
The bar was crowded with rough biker looking guys paired with much younger barely legal broads. Static filled rock music filled the room. I ordered a Macbeth Whiskey shot, presenting my fake ID to the bartender. I honestly had forgotten I had one of those, it's been so long. In fact, this is the exact bar Johnny and I met at.
I paid for my drink and headed towards the darts. I took the shot and sat my glass on a nearby table.
"Looking to play?"
A young man, aged no older than thirty, spoke up. He had beautiful dark skin and beaming brown eyes. His smile would melt the hearts of any women passing through. He had dark hair braided into cornrows.
I quickly nodded, smiling up at him. He extended his hand to greet me.
"The names Alan."
I took his hand and nodded.
"I'm Bryn. Nice to meet ya."
Alan and I played a few games of darts, taking a few more shots of whiskey. I knew this wasn't the adult thing to be doing, but everyone makes mistakes.
After about the fourth shot we sat down and talked about our lives. I made sure through my tipsy chatter not to get too deep with it, as i definitely didn't wanna fuck up and spoil the upcoming job.
"Alright everyone! Closing time! You don't have to go home but you can't stay here!"
The bartender called, wiping the counter off.
Alan and I said our goodbyes as he headed back over to his small group of casual bikers his age.
As I was going to leave, determined to hoof it home if need be, I felt an arm wrap around me, pulling me onto a jacketed figure. I tried to speak but a hand holding a rag was placed over my mouth.
"Don't panic. We're just going on a ride."
My eyelids felt like weights. I could no longer hold myself up. I allowed myself to fall into the man's arms as he dragged me to his car.

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