Chapter 54

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Bryn's POV

I habitually kept checking my phone for messages from Trevor. I really didn't want to start an argument with him, especially after the kind of day he had. And I know he wouldn't be down for me driving back to the factory in the middle of the night, alone especially. However, Frank made this seem urgent, so here I am, pulling into the parking lot of the garment factory half past midnight and maybe then some.
I stepped out of my car, making sure to lock it and swiftly made my way into the garment factory. As I climbed the steps I heard the echoing voices of Franklin and Lester.
"Man! I don't know what to do. This shits fucking crazy!"
"Well I don't know how you're going to save them both, Frank. It sounds pretty risky if you ask me."
"But we have to try, man! They're my friends."
"Well sometimes business outweighs friendship. If it means risking your life over-"
The commotion stopped as I made my way into the room.
"What the fuck is going on?"
I blurted out, an uneasy feeling arising from my stomach.
"Man, after the heist I had these motherfuckers roll up to my crib. Wanting me to off Trevor. I think the names were Steve Haines and that Dave Norton motherfucker that used to hang around Michael. Something about he was a liability or some shit due to his unpredictable nature. Then I had another motherfucker roll up asking me to kill Michael. Devin Weston I think. Had a whole drama behind that one man. I don't know what to do.."
Frank rubbed the back of his neck, pacing around the room. I stopped him mid track.
"Well you didn't just call me here to tell me you're killing my boyfriend, nor your best friend. So I think you know damn well what you have to do."
The intensity of my voice covered the shakiness of my true feelings.
"We're saving them both. Taking out whoever wants them took out. You hear me?"
I spat out, scanning the room for retaliation.
"Brynleigh, that's fucking crazy."
Lester finally broke the silence, grabbing the bridge of his nose.
"I don't fucking care, Lester. It's the only option."
"Boy, you are just like your father, Bryn. You know that got him killed. But I respect your loyalty. So, let's see what we can do. Hmm."
Lester typed away on his computer, shaking his head and grunting to himself. Frank and I remained silent. I kept checking the time in hopes Trevor wouldn't find his way up anytime soon, especially to a screaming child.
"Alright. I may have something."
Lester finally said, standing up from his wheelchair and hobbling over to the planning board, sketching out various objectives.
He turned to us, as we studied his literature.
"Alright, so we will use what we know about the enemies to eliminate them. Use their motivations, goals, aspirations, greed, any piece of information we can find that will lure them into the trap."
Lester sat back down with a sigh.
"That's all I have for now. Still a lot of empty gaps to fill but id rather do that with the other two present. I'll work on this some and send you guys a text whenever I'm ready to meet and discuss the plans."
I nodded and said my goodbyes, heading to the car. It was now nearing 4 AM, and the long drive to Sandy Shores surely was not appealing.
"Sorry for bringing you out here so late, dawg."
Franklin apologized. I smiled.
"No, Frank. You probably just saved both their asses, so thank you for being so persistent."
With that I headed out on the long windy roads to Sandy Shores. By the time I killed the lights and pulled into the yard, it was a little after 5.
I slowly crept into the trailer, but was met by Trevor, who was sitting up rocking Carter, who was now fast asleep.
Trevor shot me a glare.
"Where in the hell did you go this time of night? Without telling me?"
I heard the hurt mixed in with the anger in his voice. I caught on to a bit of fear as well. Instead of being defensive, I decided to take the subtle approach of it. Especially in front of the baby.
"Trevor, I got a call from Frank. He wanted me to meet him at the factory ASAP."
"Why, so you could fuck him too and have Lester erase all the evidence?"
I rolled my eyes.
"No, Trevor. Stop being like this and fucking listen."
My voice became a bit more harsh, causing Carter to stir.
"Frank was approached by three different men. Two who wanted you dead and one who wanted Mikey dead. Frank, Lester and I were working on a plan to keep both of you alive."
"And? Why didn't you wake me up? Tell me where you were going?"
I sighed.
"You were already pissed off. I figured it wouldn't have ended well. I'm sorry, Trevor."
Trevor sighed, walking into the nursery to tuck the child in once more. He sat back on the bed and motioned me to sit with him. I willingly obeyed his gesture.
"Listen, Bryn. I'm...I'm sorry."
Trevor sighed, rubbing the back of his head.
"You know how I get. Everyone's left me. I just assume you'll get tired of me too. It's an irrational fear that I can't get rid of. And I guess I'm still pissed about the argument earlier. I shouldn't have taken it out on you. I'm..sorry."
I engulfed Trevor in a hug as he quickly melted into my embrace. I saw a stray tear streaming down his closed eye.
I pulled away, wiping the tear from his cheek and giving him a soft kiss. I studied his gaze, his dark brown eyes filled with fear. Fear of abandonment..betrayal..heartbreak.
"I'm not like them, Trevor. You can't get rid of me."
"I know..."
Trevor squeezed me against his bare chest, causing me to blush. He held me there for a while, like a small child clinging to the teddy bear he refuses to give up.
He finally threw me on the bed, causing me to yelp. He chuckled softly, pulling the covers over us both.
"Trevor, don't you want to talk about the guys who want you killed?"
I finally questioned after a moment of silence.
Trevor just shrugged, a crooked smile engulfing his face.
"Sweetheart, I've learned after being fucked in the ass by life so many times that sometimes it is better to roll with the punches. Why would I fret over something I can't change at the moment when I have a beautiful girl laying next to me?"
I blushed at his comment, snuggling closer to him.
"Hey Bryn?"
Trevor asked.
I shifted a bit so I could glance back at him.
"Yes, Trevor?"
He sighed.
"You know..when all that shit went down? At the club. Yeah..well. Mikey kinda already told you what my initial plans were. I know I fucked it up back then, and I've had an irrational fear of committing ever since. But overtime it was if we grew as one. We now have a kid and a life to share. And..hell I need to quit beating around the bush."
Trevor pulled me to where we were looking face to face.
"Brynleigh Rose Snider..Marry me?"
He aimlessly fumbled around in the nightstand for something, and pulled out a beautiful diamond ring. I felt my heart flutter with excitement. I always dreamed of getting married someday, but with my life I didn't think it was possible. I felt myself grinning like a broke kid who just won the car at that new casino by spinning a wheel.
"Of course, Trevor."
I softly smiled as he gently pushed the ring onto my finger.
"I can't wait."
He mumbled, nestling back into my shoulder.
"Me either.."

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