Chapter 23

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(A/N: If anyone wants to play GTA Online with me, I'm dropping my ID's below:
PS4: PotatoOBrien
Xbox One: TransAmGirl#2940
Steam: hannerss)

I spoke up first, explaining my whole relationship with Johnny, how I created the meth formula and affiliated with The Lost basically as a business partner. I explained how Johnny held me against my will, how I was trapped there for days, and how coincidentally Trevor rescued me by trying to kidnap me. Michael took his turn by explaining to Trevor why he did what he did, how it was never meant for my father to die, how he was wanting to protect his family and get out of his life of crime, how he was deeply sorry (although that obviously wasn't enough for Trevor's forgiveness.) Lester explained how he wasn't brushing off the fact that Michael deemed me 'missing,' but he didn't want to draw public attention to it. Apparently he had overrode my phone settings and had a hidden GPS in my car, which he noted the time I was at the lab and traced it down to The Lost. He also said he found the remnants of my old car, which had been stripped and dumped in a lake, but could not locate the phone. He assumed I was still with The Lost, until the heist Trevor and I pulled off was publicized.
Trevor remained silent, trying to process all of the information. I scooted my chair closer to him and stroked his back with my hand. I knew this definitely was overwhelming for him.
"W-what happened?"
Davey slowly sat up, rubbing his eyes.
My blood still boiled at the sight of him. He killed my father. Of course I wanted to kill him. But for the sake and sanity of everyone at the table, I kept my cool.
"You'll never believe it, Davey."
Michael began.
"This huge tree limb from that tree near the graveyard, it just decided to collapse! And hit you right in the back of the head!"
"Yeah, I guess it was bogged down by the snow."
I added in.
"So we basically carried your fatass like a fucking body bag the rest of our commute."
Trevor grumbled, causing me to chuckle.
Davey luckily didn't question the story. He simply rubbed the back of his head and laid back down, attempting to remain awake for the discussion.
"So Bryn, welcome home I guess."
Michael sighed, taking a drink from his glass.
"Well not exactly."
Davey called.
We all turned to him.
"What do you mean? You made her my legal daughter, where else is she supposed to stay, with the psychopath?"
"Listen here you fucking-"
I placed my hand in front of his chest and he obediently shut up.
Davey groggily sat back up.
"The Lost are on her tail now. If she stays here, it will endanger your family, Michael. It could boot you guys out of witness protection if too much attention is drawn."
"The Lost does indeed have scouters. They'll be checking this place out in no time."
Lester added.
Michael looked at me, and then at Trevor. Davey continued on.
"The best thing we could do is allow her to stay in Sandy Shores for a while. Keep tabs on her. Sure The Lost will come but look who they're going to be dealing with."
Trevor's lip curled, pleased with the comment.
"And it's not like anybody fucking cares if I die anyways."
Trevor added, his stern face returning.
Michael rolled his eyes, knowing that Trevor's forgiveness is damn near impossible.
"Since Brynleigh DeSanta has caused too much commotion, I will write her off in the papers as a cousin to you, Michael. A very distant, crazy cousin from your father's side."
Michael nodded.
"Brynleigh, despite you almost killing me a while ago before I was knocked unconscious by a tree limb, I'm still going to help cover your ass."
I coldly muttered.
"You're now Brynleigh Rose Snider once again. I'll get your new ID cards soon. We'll move your location to North Yankton to draw attention away on paper. However you can remain in Sandy Shores. Just remember-"
Dave's weak eyes shot daggers through my gaze.
"Cover your ass. No more stupid shit. I mean it."
I nodded in compliance. I mean he was right, I can't be getting myself and others killed over my stupid past.
The rest of the day was spent packing a few things from Michael's that I wished to bring with me. I left most of the bulky stuff there, just for if I ever had to return. Michael thought it was a good idea. Trevor helped me load the car and Michael agreed to drive us back to Sandy Shores. Franklin offered to tag along, but Lester had a few questions for him, so he ended up staying behind. We said our goodbyes and headed out.
Michael broke the awkward silence within the vehicle.
"Y'all are..?"
"A thing. Yes, Michael. We are a thing."
I finished his sentence.
Michael thought for a moment, continuing to stare at the road but a glassy gaze fulfilled his eyes.
"I know what you're thinking, 'oh Trevor you sick bastard. She's a child.' Well bullshit! You're the sick bastard Mikey, for betraying your friends trust and faking your fucking death! Not to mention you got her real dad killed!"
Trevor growled from the back seat.
"You just don't forget, do ya T?"
Michael sighed.
"Forget?! Fucking forget?! I won't forget you until I have your cold blood on my-"
I shot him a glare and he rolled his eyes, sitting back in his seat.
"Trevor, listen, I don't know how many apologies it will take for you to actually believe me, if you ever will. But I had to do what was right for my family."
Michael glanced over at me.
"She is my family now, T. I'm sure Brad wouldn't be happy about you two doing God knows what but hey, Bryn, you're an adult and I trust your judgement, although I do not agree nor understand it. But whatever you do."
Michael parked the car in front of Trevor's trailer and turned around. Trevor met his gaze with a cold glare.
"Whatever you do, please protect her. You know Brad would want you to."
Trevor remained silent for a moment. I braced myself for another explosion, but instead was met with a stray tear wandering it's way down his scarred cheek. He cleared his throat and spoke.
"I'll protect her with my life, Mikey."

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