Chapter 9

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I woke up and looked around, suddenly remembering the events that occurred before. Although my head was pounding from dehydration and hunger, I remembered two guys carrying me out of the bunker and loading me in a van. I slowly sat up and stretched, thankful I was no longer bound to my demise. I looked at my wrists, which were purple from the restraints. I looked around again, this time taking note of the scenery. I was sitting on a tattered couch that smelled of beer and must. The couch was drenched with various stains that I do not care to acknowledge. In front of me sat an old box TV and a coffee table. The floor was coated with beer cans, Burger Shot wrappers, and various other trash items. I looked to my right and saw a grungy kitchen, a bathroom, and what I'm assuming was a bedroom. From the layout, I can guess I'm in a trailer. Uncle's heist planning sure made me skilled at observing layouts.
My thoughts were interrupted by the door swinging open. I jumped instinctively, turning my attention to the sound of footsteps on the trailer floor, kicking beer cans as they approached me. It was the two men from earlier, their names I had forgotten. The two men were conversing amongst each other, not really paying me much mind.
"Why did he tell us to bring her here instead of the lab? He usually don't just let anyone in his house."
"Wade, what did I tell you earlier? Don't question Trevor. Besides, she's a little girl, how harmful can she possibly be?"
"I don't know, Ron. Have you ever saw those stories where the crazy women abduct the men and-"
The voice stopped as the men turned their attention to me.
"Rise and shine."
The Ron guy shot me an uneasy smile. I just kept a blank stare and remained silent. Although they didn't seem harmful, I still had no idea what the hell they were gonna do with me.
"Hey! I'm Wade!"
The dreaded guy interrupted my thoughts, waving like a crazy fan at an Impotent Rage signing. He beamed a bright smile at me, which instinctively made me smile back. I decided to speak.
"Hey Wade, I'm Bryn."
"Im Ron. Nice to meet you, although I'd rather it be under different circumstances."
He chuckled, nervously scratching the back of his head.
"What did those bad guys do to you? I'll go beat them up!"
Wade excitedly exclaimed, moving closer to examine my face.
I slowly brought my hand up to my nose, feeling a tinge of dull pain. I then remembered the boot to my face Ashley had oh so kindly given me.
"It's okay, really. Thank you for uh, you know-"
"Don't mention it."
Ron cut me off.
"You hungry? Wade and I stopped at Burger Shot a while ago and got an extra meal, but you were asleep so I didn't want to wake you."
Ron walked over to the counter and grabbed a brown paper bag, pulling out a burger and fry combo. My mouth watered at the sight.
"Yes, thank you."
Ron walked over and handed me the combo. He then walked to the kitchen and opened the fridge, searching for a minute before sighing and closing it back up.
"Damn, Trevor. I bet he pisses a brewery."
He grabbed a cup out of the overhead cabinet and ran some water in it, walking it back over to me. I immediately downed the food and finished it off with the water. I suddenly felt nauseous. I grabbed my stomach and bent over as if I was going to vomit, but luckily I didn't.
"They didn't feed you, did they?"
Wade asked in a concerned tone.
I slowly looked up and shook my head.
"Not in about a week."
"Damn girl, you shouldn't have ate that fast."
Ron commented, grabbing my empty glass and filling it back up, returning it to me. I took it again.
"Thanks, you don't have to wait on me hand and foot, ya know? I barely know you."
Ron chuckled at my comment.
"It's fine. I used to be married."
A moment of silence passed.
"So anyways guys, this is nice and all, but why the fuck exactly did you save me and bring me here?"
The guys thought for a moment, then Wade broke the silence.
"Well you see, our friend Trevor-"
Wade was interrupted by the door flying open, heavy boots clunking against the old trailer floor...

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