Chapter 13

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I woke up and yawned, stretching before I stood up. Trevor was nowhere to be found. I assume he had to work. Or maybe he was with Ash-no Bryn, don't even start. He's not even yours..
I sighed. Have I caught feelings for this psychopath? After last night, I have no doubts. The way he held me close made my heart flutter out of my chest. Maybe that 'unreadable' expression he has been presenting was his genuine care and concern. Maybe lust as well. I've never really been in a relationship besides Johnny, and even then, that was more like a drug partners with benefits.
I walked out of the bedroom, kicking trash and debris along the way. Trevor was still nowhere to be found. I shrugged, going into the bathroom to change clothes. I found my once soiled clothing washed and messily folded, sitting on the bathroom counter. I smiled. Must've been Trevor. I quickly swapped outfits, wandering around the trailer and eventually finding the washing machine. I decided to gather up all of his dirty clothes, as well as the bed clothes, and wash them. I found a closet full of cleaning supplies, that looked like they haven't been touched in ages, and went to work. I scrubbed the kitchen, bathroom, stains on the couch, everything you could imagine. I picked up all the debris on the floor, rolling my eyes as I stumbled upon a few pairs of ripped, vibrantly colored thongs. Hours passed as I cleaned away at the filthy trailer.
I heard a knock at the door, and an immediate entrance. I sat down the clothes I had just taken out of the dryer and turned around to be greeted by Wade's bright smile.
"Hey Bryn! Trevor told us to come check on you and see if you needed anything, or if you had escaped."
I chuckled at the last part. I guess Trevor was a bit of an over thinker as well.
Ron made his way in the door behind Wade, shooting me a nervous smile. He looked around the trailer and a look of surprise crossed his face.
"Looks nice, did you do this for Trevor?"
I nodded, confused at his question. I mean of course I did, he's giving me a place to stay, he saved me, he comforted me, hell it's the least I could do.
I guess Ron sensed my confusion as he cleared his throat and spoke up.
"It's just-well...Nobody's ever really done something nice like that for him. His mother abandoned him, and even when she was around she degraded him..."
He paused for a moment.
"And you know his best friend got killed, his other is in jail. He doesn't have any family. Usually the women he's been with were one nighters or wanted him for meth."
I thought for a moment, biting my lip. That explains a lot of how Trevor acts. His anger is probably a combination of fear that I'm going to abandon him or betray him. So that means he..he does care. I finally spoke.
"Well, Ron, I truly appreciate what he has done for me, whether he meant to do it or not. I mean, he could've offed me at any moment, and he didn't so-"
"Oooh I think Bryn has a crush!"
Wade interrupted.
My face immediately flushed red and I shot him a glare.
"Shut the fuck up Wade! It's not like that!"
"I beg to differ."
Ron butted in, a smile plastered across his face.
"Listen, let's go get you some clothes and stuff. Some essentials, you know. I mean you've been wearing the same outfit as long as I've known you."
I nodded in agreement.
"Alright, well what about The Lost?"
Ron thought for a moment.
"I mean you know we'll do our best to protect you. They usually just frequent the bar and Stab City this time of day. We could change you up a little, if you know what I mean."
I thought for a moment. Maybe a change would be good.
"Okay..but I don't have any money."
"Trevor's paying for it."
Ron pulled out a wad of cash, much to my surprise.
"Yeah, I was shocked too. He must have a thing for you as well."
He chuckled.
"Okay, let me just finish up here."
I turned around, totally ignoring his comment but feeling the butterflies rise within my chest.
"We can help!"
Wade smiled, running to the pile of clean clothes.
The boys helped me fold and put up the laundry. I finished making the bed and put all the cleaning stuff away. I stood back in admiration, giving the trailer a nod of approval as I headed out the door.
"So where do you want to go?"
Ron asked, climbing in the van. Wade voluntarily climbed in the back, where I once rode to my rescue. I climbed in the front seat and thought for a moment.
" parlor, salon, and Binco."
Ron shot me a wide eyed look, then nodded.
"You must be going all out, alright then."
The car remained silent as he turned on WCTR and drove to our destination.
"You sure about this?"
The tattoo artist asked. I nodded.
"Go ahead. Cover it up."
The tattoo artist started as Ron and Wade watched in anticipation.
The drunken Lost logo was turning in to a beautiful sunshine, for the brighter days ahead, hopefully with Trevor.
I chuckled at my thought as the tattoo needle pierced my skin. The pain was therapeutic.
Since Ron told me to look different, I also opted for a neck tattoo, which was barely visible with my long hair.
"Rip dad."
The tattoo read.
I was never really close to my mom, although I miss her dearly. My dad however, for the 3 years I knew him he was my whole world, and I thought I was his. Besides his robbing career, he had a small camera business on the side. I remember him taking me to all his installations and teaching me different wires and such. Uncle Lester only boosted that nerdiness with code and other computer knowledge. I didn't remember a lot about him but the little memories combined with stories Uncle Lester told me created a longing for the old days.
My thoughts were interrupted by the tattoo needle coming to a halt.
"All done, that'll be 175."
Ron counted out of Trevor's stack and handed him the money. Wade helped me up from the chair and we headed to the salon.
At the salon I decided to trim a little bit of the length but not too much, and decided to go with a ruby red. Naturally, I had a hair color similar to my father's, a dusty blonde/brown. Although I was notorious for dying my hair, my true colors still shown through the temporary pigment.
We then went to the Binco and Wade helped me pick out a few outfits. Nothing too fancy, just some casual Tees and jeans, as well as a few pair of leggings and some high top shoes.
Ron stopped by the 24/7 store on the way back and bought me some drinks, some food for the trailer, a toothbrush, and other random essentials.
We got back to the trailer and unloaded everything, putting it up in its respectful place. I took a moment to brush my gritty teeth, as it had been too long.
Before the men left, Ron tossed me a light box.
"Here, I almost forgot. Trevor told me to get this for you."
I opened it up and the newest iFruit phone glimmered in the dim trailer light. I stared at it shocked, and smiled like a madman. Being a nerd, I knew this was pretty much the best phone available.
Ron chuckled at my expression.
"He figured you'd like it. I already programmed all of our numbers in it. See ya!"
"Bye, Bryn! I had fun!"
Wade waved as the men walked out the door. After their absence, the trailer became silent once again. I sighed, setting up the new gift Trevor had gotten me. I missed him. I was ready for him to come home.
After setting up the phone and shooting him a "thank you :)))" text, I decided to cook some supper. I pulled out some chicken and vegetables and got to work.

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