Chapter 18

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Days passed and there were no more signs of The Lost trailing my whereabouts. However, as long as Johnny is alive, I'm sure he will show back up sooner or later.
Trevor has helped me become more confident in my shooting. He has also devoted more time into staying with me. If there is a time where he deems a job too dangerous for me to tag along, which I can only imagine what he gets his psycho self into, then Ron and Wade watch over me until he returns. Although he hasn't flat out told his friends our status, they were quickly catching on.
Today was one of those days where Trevor had to go take care of some dangerous business. I assumed he was going to get supplies for the lab. I slowly opened the trailer door, scanning the premises to make sure nobody was around. I quickly crossed the street and banged on Ron's door.
"Who is it?"
Ron's muffled voice came from the back of the house.
"The FIB"
I joked.
Ron paused, clearly taking me serious.
I heard him return after scanning his security cameras. He unlocked his prison-cell like lock system and opened the door.
"Damn, Bryn, you can't be giving me a heart attack like that."
I chuckled.
"Sorry, Ron. Trevor is out and about again and he doesn't really like me staying by myself. Plus-"
I looked over at his desktop computer in the corner, which had 3 monitors and was engulfed with poorly ran wiring. It reminded me of Uncle Lester's set up, but definitely not as expensive and well put together.
"I need to do a little research. Was wondering if I could use your computer?"
Ron looked at his desktop, and then back to me. He gave me a nervous smile.
"S-sure Bryn, whatcha looking up?"
I laughed, immediately tapping into his inner thoughts.
"Don't worry, Ron. I'm not gonna download a virus, nor any spyware, nor look at your porn folder. Just a little research, so chill."
His face turned beet red. He scratched the back of his neck.
"Okay, okay. Not like I was worried about that anyways...Just double check and make sure the VPN is on. I won't want any actual FIB tailing me."
I nodded and headed over to the computer. Ron clearly underestimated my computer skills. If I really wanted to, I could obliterate both his VPN and his firewall in 5 minutes, tops.
Luckily, a knock at the door sent Ron sprawling off course, as he fiddled with the locks and opened the door to Wade, who immediately distracted him.
"Hey Bryn, how's it going!"
He smiled at me.
I returned his gesture.
"Pretty good, Ron has some nice porn on here!"
I joked.
Ron's face turned red once again.
"Oh, shut up!"
Wade held up a fresh rolled joint.
"First batch of the season. Ready to partake?"
Ron chuckled.
"I'm always down for Wade's famous hash. The best in Sandy Shores, for sure!"
Wade turned to me.
"You wanna partake, Bryn?"
I pretended to think about it for a moment. I knew I needed a clear head though, so I slowly bit my lip and sighed.
"Maybe next time, bud. Gotta do some research first.
Wade nodded and followed Ron into the next room. I focused my attention back on the computer. I had been putting it off for too long. I had to know how Trevor and Lester were affiliated. And the only way to do that, was of course to hack in to Lester's office computer. The FIB might not be able to access it, but by God I could, which was a mistake Lester made by teaching me how to bypass his security system long ago, in the event he was killed or passed of his wasting disease.
I decided to make sure there was no trace of Ron's computer, just to be on the safe side.
I installed my own VPN onto it from my cloud drive, tweaked a few settings and created a Remote Desktop that could be accessed from his desktop. I glanced back at the other room, where they were joking and having a blast as the smell of loud marijuana filled the house. I sighed, turning back around. I put Lester's IP and computer information in by heart. I bypassed his security settings, and about 10 minutes later I was in. Lester wasn't active on his PC, which helped a lot. I did come across an interesting contact on his messenger though, Paige. She seemed to be a little older than me, but from their messages I concluded that she basically did the same thing as me. Did Lester replace me with some hacker slut off the street?
I rolled my eyes and sighed.
Oh well, good for him then. He needs some action.
I dug through his multiple disguised folders and finally found the one where all his former heists were backed up. After scrolling for what seemed like hours, I found something that caught my attention.
"2004. Ludendorff, North Yankton."
I clicked into the file and the heist blueprints were revealed. I skimmed through the contents. I started taking mental notes.
It appeared to be at the bank's safe hold for money, the Bobcat Security Depot.
I scrolled down and found the crew members, along with a picture of them for reference.
Michael Townley.
I jumped back as I instantly connected Mr. De Santa's picture with the name. So is De Santa his alias, or is Townley, or what?
Trevor Philips.
I shivered, seeing a much younger version of Trevor appear beside of his name.
The last name made my blood turn to ice.
Brad Snider.
I stopped and stared at the computer for a moment, feeling as if this wasn't real. I checked the picture and it indeed matched him.
I continued to read on, despite the tears welling in my eyes. In the description of the outcome, it stated that Trevor escaped. Michael passed away and was buried in North Yankton, and..Brad was in prison? A blue hyperlink laid at the bottom of the page. I clicked it and was redirected to yet another heist outcome page, that had been hidden in an online file directory.
I began to read. The more I read, the more anger pulsed through my veins. I concluded that Mr. De Santa had an agreement with the FIB, and Lester sort of stepped back on this heist, leaving control up to De Santa and..Dave Norton. The man who forged my adoption papers. The man who also...killed him... trying to kill...Trevor. Michael faked his death and is now under witness protection, whereas Dave has been trying to lure Trevor in to prison through notes from his 'old friend....'

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