Chapter 29

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(A/N: sorry guys for being so inactive. I moved halfway across the country and have been working a lot. I'll try to update faster, I promise!)


Trevor's POV

I paced back in forth in front of Bryn's hospital room, hearing multiple beeps and murmurs from medical professionals. At one point I believe I heard a fucking drill.
"Hey homie, chill."
Franklin touched my shoulder gently, stopping my pacing for the moment. I knew he meant well, but how in the hell could I "chill" when the woman I love was in a life or death operation?!
I just sighed in response, unable to even muster the rage to snap back a smartass or demeaning comment.
For once I didn't feel like myself. I felt..less than me...less than human. I felt like an evil beast who brought this upon Bryn, when in reality my brain had worked double time to protect her.
Michael didn't say much, he just sat arms crossed in the chair outside the door, head down, as if he was judging me. Franklin's friend Lamar had stepped out to make sure The Lost wasn't trying to follow for revenge or some shit. I can't believe they'd use my own mother against me, but at the end of the day that stupid broad only wants to play with my emotions. Maybe I should've gotten her killed.
Ron and Wade had an issue to take care of with TPI, but they said they'd stop by after. Bryn had a large support system, that's for sure.
My thoughts were interrupted by the clicking of a wooden stick against the echoed tile of the hospital floor. I turned my head to see Lester entering the commotion.
"I should've known she was better off staying with me."
He muttered.
A fuel inside me was instantly lighted.
"Hey, listen now you fucking walking stick!"
"I may be a walking stick but at least I didn't try to go after an 18 year old, getting her almost killed!"
"Shes legal and she fucking wanted this or I would've let her go! I saved her from that sorry excuse cowboy bastard I have you-"
"Excuse me, you two are going to have to lower your voices or I'm going to have to ask you to leave."
A nurse turned the corner quickly, motioning towards a "quiet zone" sign.
I rolled my eyes and lowered my head.
Michael cleared his throat after a moment of silence.
"You know, T. Like I said before, I don't understand this situation at all. But it is apparent that you care for her. Old Trevor would've dumped her in some ditch by now."
I sighed, nodding at his analyzation.
"I've never felt this way before, Mikey. I know I haven't been the best as far as women go but Brynleigh is different. Boy, I know her father wouldn't be happy though."
"You've got that right. Brad is probably rolling in his grave right now."
Lester sighed, having a seat beside Michael.
Hours seemed to have pass. I never stepped outside, not to smoke or take a drink or anything. I stared at that closed hospital door, hoping to see that beautiful smile walking though it any minute. Wishful thinking, I know. Ron and Wade made it back, as did Lamar. For the most part we sat quietly, attempting small talk here and there.
The buzzing and clanking finally seemed to halt, and only a few mumbles here and there could be heard over the beeping heart monitor.
Finally, the door swung open, but instead of being greeted with Bryn, an old, stressed looking middle age man in a white coat greeted us. Kinda like Mikey if he would've actually been productive with his life. He motioned for us to follow him in and we followed suit.
The nurses stepped out in order to fit the large mass of people in the tiny hospital room. I finally made my way to the bed and peered down at my darling, who looked pale, tired, but yet, still fighting for life. She was covered with a sheet but I could vaguely make out the multiple stitched areas, from her knee to her shoulder to her stomach and a few other places. I grimaced at the sight, feeling the blood boiling inside of me. Stomping Johnny's face in was not enough revenge. Killing Ashley was not enough revenge. Nothing could make up for what they did to Bryn.
Bryn's nose twitched as her slumber continued. She was comfortable, to say the least.
The doctor finally spoke up.
"So we had to do a few reconstructive surgeries on her arteries as well as a few muscles. We've put her on an antibiotic through IV to hopefully rule out any chance of infection as well as a moderate opioid and muscle relaxer for comfort."
"So is she going to be okay, doctor?"
Lester spoke up, his voice filled with concern.
"While her condition seems to be fully treatable with the right combination of therapy and rest, she will indeed make almost a full recovery with time. However-"
The doctor nodded at a nurse who has shimmied her way back in, who turned on the monitor on the wall, showing an..ultrasound?
"I'm assuming it was unknown to the patient but she was about three weeks pregnant, give or take. The fetus, being so early in development, could not be saved."
Chills were sent up my spine as I quickly came to the realization that..I was going to be a..father? I mean I didn't want that but did I? But either way the opportunity was ripped from my hands like that.
I balled my fist up.
Johnny killed..what was going to be our child!
I didn't know how to feel. I felt all the eyes turn to me.
I dropped to the floor. Ron and Wade rushed to my side but I couldn't bring myself to move. I felt my eyes warming up but tears failed to escape. I didn't know how to feel. There's no way Bryn knew or she would've told me...should I tell her when she comes to? Will she ever-
"And there is a high possibility that Ms. Snider will no longer be able to carry a successful pregnancy to term due to moderate damages to the reproductive organs caused by the stabbing."
I put my head down. I still felt everyone staring. Oh my God, did I cause this? Did I ruin this young woman's life trying to protect her and failing? I'm fucking pathetic....

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