Chapter 43

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Bryn's POV

I gave Niko Trevor's address and he headed towards Sandy Shores after calling a tow truck. He insisted that we stop for lunch and I agreed. I mean, I would like to get to know the guy better. Deep down inside he seems like a charming guy.
We stopped at Rex's Diner and ordered brunch.
"So, what left a pretty lady like you stranded in that nice car?"
Niko asked, eating a bite of eggs.
I blushed, shrugging.
"I don't know, luck I guess. You don't seem to be from around here, you just passing through?"
"Yeah, I'm on a business trip. I live in Liberty City. Moved after my idiot cousin put this image of the "American Dream" in my head. Really isn't as great as it seems, but better than Russia."
Niko's phone began to ring.
"Ugh, speaking of idiot cousin, excuse me, let me take this."
Niko answered, and a charming voice beamed from the other end of the line.
"Niko! It's your cousin. How about a game of bowling?"
"Not right now, Roman! I'm on a business trip. Maybe another time."
Niko hang up and sighed.
"That's all he wants to do is go bowling. That taxi company really made him millions I guess."
I chuckled, taking a sip of my Sprunk.
"Sounds like a fun guy."
"Yeah, that's what he thinks, at least."
Niko chuckled, finishing off his plate.
He continued to talk about his time in the war and how they were betrayed. He wasn't clear on his occupation now, but I didn't want to push too much.
Niko insisted he pay for the meal and with that we headed out.
We continued to bullshit on the trek to Sandy Shores, talking about crazy American culture and such.
I only realized that we were passed the turn off for Trevor's house after briefly looking out the window.
"Uh, Niko? I think we passed it."
"Don't worry. We're going to the right place."
I felt a pang of nervousness rise in my chest. Surely this nice man didn't kidnap me..
I couldn't jump out of the car and risk hurting my child. I guess all I could do was wait it out and hope for the best.
My suspicions were confirmed when Niko pulled in to the one and only Stab City.
There stood the remainder of The Lost, eagerly waiting my arrival.
"Get out of the car."
Niko commanded.
I sighed, obeying his orders. If it was just me I wouldn't really care what happened at this point. However, I don't want to lose another unborn child, especially after we've already came this far.
"You thought you had got away, huh?"
Clay smirked, stepping closer to me, his heavy boots crunching against the gravel.
"The all mighty forgives, The Lost doesn't. Remember, Bryn?"
I scanned all the familiar faces, most of their names jumbling together somewhere in my scattered brain. Someone in the back caught my eye.
"Hey! What the fuck are you doing here?"
Trevor's mother approached from the back of the crowd, smirking.
"These boys tend to my every need. Why would I leave? Much better than my darling boy that I see must've knocked you up."
I looked down at my stomach, quickly crossing my arms.
"Niko, you did good. After all, we thought you were dead after you went silent."
Clay laughed, slapping Niko some cash.
I guess this was the business trip he was referring to.
"Hey, I can't be taken out that easily."
Niko laughed, turning to me.
"Sorry, sweetie. You seemed like a very genuine girl, but business is business."
With that he entered his car and drove off, leaving me with the crowd of bikers.
"Don't worry, sweetness. We're not gonna hurt you."
Clay singsonged in my ear, grabbing me by the arm and pulling me into his trailer.
He threw me in what looked like a really trashy bedroom and shut the door, locking it from the outside.
"You stay there, don't run off again."
He chuckled, the sound of his boots clunking against the old rickety floor.
I looked around. There was no window. Just a bed, a messy closet, multiple graphic posters and the floor was painted with beer cans, cigarette packs and blood.
It was almost like Trevor's house, but worse.
I frantically felt in my back pocket, sighing in relief when I still felt the phone Michael had given me. I pulled it out, but practically threw it under the pillow when I heard the footsteps return.
I heard the lock jingle and Terry entered the room.
"Clay forgot to pat you down, take all your electronics and shit ya know?"
He motioned for me to stand up and I obeyed, glancing over in relief that my phone was still secured under the pillow.
Terry ran his hands all over me, groping me and making me physically sick to my stomach with his touch. He finally stopped, pulling away.
"Okay, you're clear. Don't go anywhere, as if you could."
Terry laughed, locking the door once more.
I waited a few minutes and then retrieved the cell phone from under the mattress. It looks like my charge was alright, about 83 percent. That should last a few hours. I looked at the signal. Still none.
Damn it...
I was gonna have to pull something off, fast..

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