Chapter 2

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Here we are, Mr. DeSanta's residence. It was definitely much more, upkept, to say, as opposed to what I was used to. The gate opened and I parked at the foot of the driveway, followed by Lester. I slowly got out of my car, grabbing the briefcase and a few small items, and followed Lester to the front door. Within one knock, the door swung open and I was greeted by a middle aged man, chubby but not too shabby, well kept, a smile on his face.
"Hey kid, welcome to the family." The man announced as he stepped aside to let me in. I entered the mansion and stood in the open corridor, suddenly feeling underdressed. I stared blankly ahead until the man finally returned, assisting Lester with my luggage. He sat the bag down and reached out to shake my hand. I slowly returned the shake.
"I'm Michael. It's nice to meet you, uh-"
"Bryn." I finished. "Uh, nice to meet you too, Michael."
"So Bryn, I contacted my friend Davey, and he has forged some adoption papers. On paper, Michael and Amanda are now your parents."
"And you call me the sketchy one." I muttered under my breath.
Lester sat the last of the bags down and hobbled over to give me a hug. I coldly side hugged my ex caregiver. Uncle or not, I felt betrayed.
"Well, looks like you're all set. Enjoy your stay at Casa DeSanta."
He turned briefly to Michael.
"Take care of her, you know her father would want you to."
Michael nodded, an unreadable expression crossing his face for a moment. He suddenly snapped out of it and smiled down at me.
"Alright Bryn, let's get you set up and let's meet your new siblings."
Michael helped me carry everything upstairs. I clutched solely onto the small briefcase Lester gave me, still refusing to open it. Michael opened the spare room to find a woman finishing up-decorating?
The woman turned around and greeted me with a half smile, like she was unsure of my presence yet.
"Honey, this is Bryn. Bryn this is Amanda."
"Nice to meet you." She blurted out. I sensed a passive aggressive state with her, so I shot her a bullshit smile and continued on. Amanda left the room as Michael and I started unpacking.
"Ignore her, it's been a while since we've raised one up. Although you are 18, your siblings are a little older, and lazier, than you." Michael chucked. "She decorated your room pretty nice though." I looked around to see tons of girly posters and such. The room was pink, for fucks sake. I faked a smile and nodded in agreement. "Thank you."
Once I was all unpacked, Michael called my "siblings" to meet me.
"Jim, Tracy, get your asses over here!"
I heard argument from the room beside me, assuming that was my "sister."
"What is it daad?" Tracy groaned, stepping out of her room. She looked me over, giving me a sense of anxiety, and scoffed. "Where'd you find that one, on the streets?" A sense of rage suddenly built up inside me, but Uncle told me to be nice so I held it in, squeezing my fists.
"Now Tracy, this is your new sister." Tracy rolled her eyes and returned to her room, leaving a slutty perfume trail. The door behind Michael opened and out popped a heavyset, heavily tattooed male with a headset on. He reeked of pot and sweat, but hey, I sensed better vibes than the other child.
"Hey dad-whose that?" The man questioned. "Jim, this is Bryn, your new sister." Jim hesitated for a moment, seemingly processing the information in his brain, then shot me a genuine smile. "Nice to meet ya, Bryn. You like video games?"
"Of course!" I said, stretching the enthusiasm and returning his smile. I had snuck a game or two in in my lifetime.
"Awesome! Wanna come sit down and smoke on-"
"Enough Jim. Let the girl get settled. And don't pull her into your bad habits." Michael sighed.
Jim turned around and stepped back into his room, obviously disappointed. I was too, I wouldn't mind sitting down and smoking a bowl. Especially after encountering Ms. Playboy over there.
"Alright kid, I'll let you get settled. If you need anything, I'll be downstairs. And Lester already put my number in your phone." I nodded to Michael and slowly entered my new room. It still didn't feel like home. I sat up on my new king size bed, stroking the silky sheets with my hand. My finger hit the briefcase. I suddenly gave in and decided to open it. I opened it to find a few thousand dollars, a new birth certificate, and a new license. I picked up the license and viewed it over.
"Brynleigh Rose DeSanta."
I sighed. That one was gonna take time getting used to. I leaned back on my bed and my foot hit my work bag. I suddenly remembered my mission, and slid my phone out of my pocket to dial a number.
Within a few rings the voice picked up.
"Hey babe."
"Hey, I've got the stuff."
"Awesome job honey, when can you come over?"
"I have work in a bit, I'll meet you at the lab after."

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