Chapter 56

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Bryn's POV

We sent Niko and Franklin to take care of Stretch and his crew. They said it was a pretty easy hit. They then went on to Wei Cheng, and Trevor and I took care of Steve Haines who was on the Pleasure Pier Ferris wheek shooting some TV or movie bullshit. We then met back up with Mikey, who helped us devise a plan to kidnap Weston.
I almost had to fight Trevor on not killing Dave. His argument was that he killed my father, and yes he did, but there's too much baggage with offing him. He's an FIB agent for fucks sake.
"You're coming with us, buddy."
Trevor smirked as he hog tied Weston, knocked him out and threw him in the trunk. He then made a call to Frank and Niko, instructing them to meet them at a cliff near Mount Chiliad.
I hear rumbling from the trunk of the car and look back, assuming the billionaire had regained consciousness.
"Cmon guys, what do you want? Money? I will do anything!"
Weston pleaded.
"No, we actually just want to kill you. I have my own successful businesses. I make meth and own strip clubs. I have my own fortune, Weston."
"This isn't cool, ya know? I'm sure the feds will be after you soon!"
Devon attempted a threat, but was halted by Trevor slinging his body forward in a sloppily parking effort.
Michael finally spoke up.
"You know, Devin, the way I see it, and hey, I'm no intelligent businessman like you, but the way I see it, there's two great evils that bedevil American capitalism of the type that you practice. Number one is outsourcing. You paid a private company to do your dirty work for ya, and then you underpaid that company because you thought you were big enough and bad enough that you didn't have to play by the rules. Oh, number two. Off-shoring your profits. But we know your opinions on the matter Devin. Keep your problems the fuck out of America, huh? Hey, Devin...Goodbye my old friend. Thanks for all the advice."
I glance down at my phone. It is 10 PM. I see headlights dimming as Niko and Franklin pull up on the scene.
"Sorry we're late, had some business to attend to."
Franklin smiled, his shirt tattered and washed in blood.
Niko steps forward, reaching in the car and popping the trunk to reveal a naked, beaten, bleeding and shallowly breathing Devin Weston.
Franklin smiles down on the sight.
"Aye homie I picked option C. Ain't that a bitch?"
With that he slammed the trunk.
"Goodbye you American dream living asshole!"
Niko bellowed as we all pushed the old car off the bank and into the ocean, the car exploding upon impact.
We all stood there in awe for a moment, as if we were watching a 3D film.
Niko smiled, flicking his cigarette butt on the ground.
"Guys it's been real but I best be heading back to Liberty City before my idiot cousin pops a blood vessel. I'll definitely keep in touch. It's been an honor."
With that he turned to Trevor, extending his hand.
"I'm sorry we came off on rough terms from the start, but I think we've put our differences aside, and I thank you."
Trevor shot a half smile, accepting the handshake.
"Ah, Niko. Get the hell out of here before I decide to push you off the cliff too."
Niko chuckled, getting in his car and making his way down the winding mountain roads.
"I'll tell ya one thing, T. I'm getting too old for this."
Michael laughed, tapping the end of his cigarette.
"Yeah homie I guess we all should lay low for a while, and Michael here's to that retirement you've been dead set on."
Franklin raised his bottle of PißWasser and took a drink, wiping the suds off his mustache.
"Actually guys, before we call it 'happily ever after'...I need your help with one more thing..."
Trevor commented, crushing his cigarette butt with his boot and looking into the night sky.

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