Chapter 48

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Bryn's POV

The past few months were definitely different. Trevor and I decided we wanted our child to grow up in a 'normal' atmosphere, so we've made a few changes to our lives.
Trevor didn't get rid of his businesses, but allows Ron to deal with matters more on the illicit side. Trevor mainly just oversees the Vanilla Unicorn, which is a lot better than the lab in my opinion. He has refrained from random killing, drugs, drinking, and cannibalism which I didn't really know he was into.
I picked up a day job at the Suburban down the street. Not the best or worst job, and it definitely feels odd after not working for so long, but I want my child to see me as a role model growing up, and laying around the house watching Impotent Rage hacking random things probably isn't the best place to start. Plus, with the physical condition of my body after the incident, this job is perfect for me. I basically just ring up clothes and deal with bitchy customers and thieves.
Lester and I have been on better terms lately, as I feel my maturity has improved and I now see why he sent me off. He loves babysitting just like he did me when I was a child. One day this kid will probably be a hacker prodigy, but hopefully responsibly.
Franklin and Lamar were able to recover my car with minimal effort, and and Lester still has his sights on Niko, wherever he may be hiding in the depths of Liberty City.
Michael is trying his damndest to get Amanda back but is working on it piece by piece. He's too damn loyal to her. I hope I didn't ruin anything between them, though.
Trevor still hasn't asked me the question, and that kind of bothers me. Michael made it out to seem as if Trevor was dead set on it, only for the total opposite to occur. He's definitely dedicated to Carter and I, because you can't tell me Trevor Philips would change his whole life for just anyone.
I stood up and headed to the kitchen, grabbing Carter's formula. He loved food, that's for sure. I mixed it up and headed to the nursery, the bright blue wallpaper illuminated by the sunlight beaming through the window.
"Here you go, buddy."
I smiled, swaddling the little boy up in my arms and giving him his bottle. Never in my life did I imagine I'd be parenting, especially this early. As months progressed I could definitely see my father's features in my child. Despite a few similarities between him and Trevor, he was an identical clone to dad. It was kinda a peaceful feeling, to be honest. It was like having a piece of him here with me.
Carter cooed, milk dripping from his rounded chin. I chuckled, wiping the excess off of him and burping him before laying him down for a nap.
I heard footsteps enter the door as a pair of muscular, tattooed arms wrapped around me. I melted into Trevor's embrace as he planted a kiss on my cheek.
"You know you look so fucking sexy parenting."
Trevor whispered in my ear, causing me to blush and bite my lip.
I groaned.
He chuckled, talking low to not awaken the sleeping baby.
"What, you obviously love it."
"That I do."
I sighed, motioning for him to follow me into the kitchen. I had prepared lunch earlier, assuming he would be home in time. I fixed us both a plate as we sat down to eat.
"So, how's your day?"
I asked, the wife material in me showing.
Trevor smiled, finishing his bite.
"Not too bad. The Unicorn has gotten a lot of business lately. Ron says the other industry is doing well too."
I nodded in approval, smiling as I wiped spaghetti sauce off of Trevor's face. Damn I have two messy boys.
"Oh yeah, Lester called me today. He wanted us to come by."
Trevor said, taking a drink of ECola.
"Oh really? Lester isn't much for scheduling casual visits. I wonder what's on his mind."
"There ain't no telling. I feel like it has something to do with Mikey, but I'm not sure."
I worriedly searched deep in his brown eyes for the slightest bit of difference. I didn't want him turning into his old self again.
"Don't worry, sweet cheeks. Let's just go see what he wants, and we will make the decision together whether or not to take his offer."
I sighed, nodding my head in agreement.
"I just don't want you to go back to your old ways and something happen to you. I-I guess I'm scared of being abandoned again."
I bit the inside of my cheek, expecting some snarky retort. Instead, Trevor slid his hand on top of mine. His chocolate eyes melted my soul, causing me to relax again.
"Bryn, I wouldn't leave you or Carter for the world. I've been through a lot of shit, nothings gonna take me out before my time. I won't let it. I promise."
I nodded in reassurance, taking the finished dishes to the sink.
"I guess we should get going then."
"You want me to call Ron and see if he can babysit?"
Trevor offered.
I shook my head.
"No, Carter likes road trips. Plus I'm sure Uncle Lester will love to see him."
"Alrighty then."
Trevor smiled, heading to the nursery.
"Hey sleepy head. You wanna go on a trip with daddy?"
Trevor cooed at the baby, wrapping him in his blanket. He placed him in the car seat and buckled him in, grabbing his diaper bag and slinging it across his shoulder.
Damn, he's such a good dad.
I bit my lip. Trevor chuckled.
"You like what you see or something?"
I blushed.
"Shut up, Trevor."
I held the door open as Trevor carried Carter and his stuff out. He carefully loaded Carter in the middle seat of his Bodhi, and slid his belongings in the floorboard.
We headed off to the Garment Factory, Trevor driving much more careful than his normal driving style.
"Hey, Lester!"
I called, opening the door to the factory. I climbed up the squeaky stairs and was greeted by Lester, who rolled around from his computer to face me. A rare smile was plastered across his face.
"Well if it isn't Brynleigh, how're you doing? Not that I don't occasionally monitor your commutes or anything but."
I chuckled.
"I don't even try to intervene anymore. We brought Carter."
I motioned towards Trevor, who was carrying our son up the stairs.
"I think Carter needs a diaper change. I'll bring him right back."
Trevor said as if he had to promise to return the child. He headed to the bathroom. Lester shook his head.
"Never in the allotted time my wasting disease has allowed me did I think I'd see that man changing baby diapers. What the hell did you do to him, kiddo?"
I shrugged, blushing.
"I guess we helped each other in a way. That or Carter did."
I turned to look at his board, squinting as if to make out some potential heist plans. My heart started to beat fast. Lester noticed this, then turned back to me.
"Oh that, yeah, that's what I wanted to talk to you guys about. What we have here is potentially the biggest score we will ever pull."
Trevor came back, holding the freshly cleaned child. Lester extended his arms and Trevor handed him over, glancing at the board. He gave me a concerning look as Lester spaced out into his own world, obsessing over the child. He finally cleared his throat.
"Yeah, Frank and Michael are on the way now. I'll tell you more details when they get here. It's not going to be an easy job, but it will be rewarding."
Trevor and I exchanged uneasy looks between each other and Carter. Lester seemingly assumed we were already down for it. But by the looks of it this is the biggest bank around, it's the fucking Union Depository! There are so many questions at hand right now...

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