Chapter 53

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Bryn's POV

I opened my eyes to my phone blaring the morning alarm, not like I slept a wink anyways. My stomach churned as I tossed and turned all night, worried about all the potential outcomes of this job. I know it sounds crazy but, I'm sure my dad wasn't thinking a job like this would be his last, either. Meanwhile, Trevor slept like a rock, right through the alarm. I ended up shaking him awake.
Trevor grunted.
"Babe, it's 4:30. We have to get ready to go to Lester's."
Trevor groaned as he sat up, pulling me into a kiss. I gratefully kissed him back as the moment took a few seconds off of my worry. He must've noticed because he pulled away, looking me up and down.
"You alright?"
He softly asked. I nodded, sliding out of bed and into the kitchen.
"Just worried, ya know?"
Trevor followed me, spinning me around and forcing me to look him in the eyes.
"Nothing bad is gonna happen. I won't let it. Quit overthinking."
I nodded slowly, chewing on my lower lip as I continued to fix Carter's bottle. I personally wasn't in the mood to eat, and I'm sure trevor felt the same way as the unreadable expression grew over his face counting down to that time. I quickly got Carter ready and packed his daytime bag. I threw myself in the shower to escape the grogginess and worry, although the latter only worked to some extent. I brushed my teeth and hair, threw on some old clothes and waited on Trevor to finish getting ready.
"Hey Ron, I'm bringing the kid over. Take care of him unless you want your face to look like Johnny's."
Trevor yawned into the receiver, hanging up on the nervous wreck of his good pal.
He scooped Carter up, squishing his cheeks and giving him a kiss on the head. I spread a weary smile as Trevor carried him and his bag over to Ron's house.
I climbed in the truck and a few minutes later he returned, sliding into the driver's seat and starting the ignition as the old truck rumbled to life. The drive there was filled with Los Santos Rock Radio blaring out of the almost busted speakers.
"Alright, great to see everyone on time."
Lester hobbled over to the board, reiterating the plan quickly.
"The vans are supposed to move in around 8. Get to the tunnel before then to intercept and make your move."
We all headed down the stairs and got into the heist vehicle Michael and Franklin had gotten us. Trevor and I sat in the back along with Niko. Trevor didn't seem too happy about this. Franklin sat in the front and Michael was the driver.
Michael drive in a casual bit hurriedly manner to the destination. I glanced at the time as we arrived, 7:53.
"Right on time, boys."
I announced.
Niko grabbed the stingers and threw them down, making sure they would interfere with the path of the vans. Michael drove away and we waited for the vans to fuck up.
I readied my gun as I heard the vans approaching the tunnel, followed by the loud popping of tires. Assuring that they had came to a complete stop, I hopped out of our van, followed by the rest of the gang, and aimed at the windows of the vans. One by one the men piled out, shaking and hands up.
"This is a robbery, get the fuck on the ground!"
Trevor growled, kicking the nearest guy to the ground.
"Try not to leave too much evidence, T."
Michael sighed, pointing at one of the guys on the ground.
"You're coming with us buddy. You're the key to get us in."
Michael aimed his gun at the guy as he obeyed, getting in the back of the van. We quickly knocked the rest of the guys out, stripping them of their uniforms just in time for a third van to pull up.
"Need some wheels?"
The young blonde said.
"Yes sir."
Trevor smiled, assisting him with the tire changes.
We were finally back on the road. My heart pounded in the back of my throat as we pulled up to the depository.
Niko, Frank and I stayed hidden in the vans as Trevor, Michael and the hostage greeted the bank manager, flashing their ID badges. Luckily Lester had generated some pretty convincing ones.
The trio followed the manager to the vault as the man, Casey I think he said his name was during small talk, entered the code and verified his ID.
"We're in, baby."
Trevor huffed through the earpiece Lester had given us.
Trevor assisted Casey in loading the vans with the jackpot. Michael hopped in the van Franklin was in and Trevor hopped in with Niko, Casey and I.
"Traffic lights should be set."
Franklin added in. Him and Paige were in charge of traffic duty.
"Let's ride!"
Trevor bellowed, starting the engine and pulling off, followed by Michael.
Within a few minutes we were parking beside of our four Gauntlets.
We all assisted in transferring the goods to the four respectable vehicles.
"Here, take this and don't open your trap."
Michael chucked a gold bar at Casey, Casey sloppily grabbing it.
"Now get out of here. Scram. And I mean it. No snitching."
"Y-yes sir."
Casey studied the gold bar in his hand as he ran off into the streets of Los Santos.
"Ah shit!"
Franklin yelled as sirens filled the air.
"They're here, hurry the hell up!"
Because of Niko and I joining, we didn't bother hiring an extra driver or gunman, outside from the driver of the trailers. This was either our saving grace or our biggest fuckup. I guess we will see.
"We have to clear a path! There's too many!"
Michael called, pulling his SMG out and shooting the oncoming mercenaries. I targeted two rushing up to the Gauntlets, which received a blood wash after taking the two out. A sea of bodies erupted from Niko's side, each plunging to the ground with a crack or a thud.
"Not too bad."
Trevor smirked, receiving a curt nod from Niko.
We finally cleared a path for us to escape.
We all dispersed into the four gauntlets, Michael in one, Frank in one, Trevor and I in one, and Niko in the last. We sped off into the sea of flashing lights.
"Ignore the pigs. Just keep driving"
Trevor instructed his comrades.
"Yeah yeah, we get it, cowboy."
Niko sassed, causing Trevor to grip the steering wheel harder. I placed my hand on his arm, causing him to chill out a bit.
"It was a joke, T. Chill."
Trevor sighed, giving me a soft glance as he continued to swerve past multiple cars.
The trailers were now in sight, swaying oh so slightly from left to right. The cops had finally given up after multiple reroutes.
"Alright guys, hold your asses. We're going in!"
Michael called, skillfully maneuvering his gauntlet into the trailer. Franklin followed suit, almost crashing into the sidewall.
Niko glided into the second trailer, and Trevor, who I swear was a stuntman in his past life, General Lee'd the damn car into the trailer, brushing against Niko's back bumper.
"Damn, T. We're not in a race."
Niko chuckled.
"Maybe not to you but I want to be the best at everything!"
Trevor bellowed.
I smiled, shaking my head.
We were on the home stretch. I can't believe it went so smoothly. The trailers parked in the lockup Lester routed them too, and we all piled in a white Cavalcade and headed to Michael's house.
"We did it boys! And girl."
Niko laughed, high fiving all of us.
"Everyone's cut will appear in their bank account shortly. Great job, everyone."
Lester exclaimed.
"Wait, how did you get my bank info?"
Franklin questioned.
"Yeah, me too buddy?"
Niko chimed in.
"All you need to know is that I know everything, my friends. My scores are like my dates, after all."
Lester signed off as we proceeded into Michael's house. Niko and Trevor seemed to be on decent terms.
The plan was to get drinks together, but unfortunately Niko and I witnessed a rather heated argument between the Unholy Trinity. We decided to dismiss it for a later date, as I dragged Trevor out of the house. We took a taxi to get the Bodhi, and Trevor pouted as I carefully navigated the roads to Sandy Shores.
"Babe, be thankful we succeeded. We just completed the biggest score yet!"
I tried coaxing Trevor out of his mood, to no avail.
"That fucking pig and his little gangster buddy are going to fucking pay!"
Trevor grumbled.
"Now Trevor-."
I took one hand off the wheel and placed it on his.
After a few more attempts to calm him down, I gave up, picking up Carter from an ecstatic Ron's house and putting both the boys to bed. I showered away the happenings of earlier and decided to sit on the porch for a bit. I can't believe we did it. Hopefully everything is done for-
My phone interrupted my thoughts with the vicious buzzing against the porch railing.
I picked it up and sighed.
"Bryn, listen dawg I know it's late and all but..Can you meet me at the factory? I need your help?"
Franklin pleaded from the other side of the line.
"What's wrong Frank? Cant it wait until tomorrow?"
"I-I mean..not really. Listen, I can't say much over the phone. I just really need to talk to you..and ole Lester...Please dawg I'll pay you!"
I sighed, looking up into the Sandy Shores night sky.
"Fine. But make it quick. If Trevor wakes up he will probably be on a fucking rampage with the mood he went to sleep in."
I softly chuckled, causing Franklin to ease up.
"Alright, no worries, homie! I'll see you soon. Thanks."
I snuck into the house and grabbed my keys, easing my way out the back door and around the trailer. Trevor was likely out for the night, and Carter seemed content for a while. I started my car and eased out onto the road, flipping my lights on and headed towards the factory.
This better be important..

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