Chapter 39

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Bryn's POV

I woke up in the hospital bed, an IV pumping what looked like saline solution and a pain reliever through my veins. I groaned out, opening my eyes to the blinding light.
"Hey, you okay?"
I heard a soft voice call. I turned my head to see Michael, who gave me a straight smile and nodded. It was obvious he was worried but didn't want to show it. I scanned the room to see Trevor passed out in the chair next to the door. Wow, what a guy.
I sighed.
"Why am I here?"
"You blacked out, remember? And you've been doing it a lot lately so I wanted to get you checked out. Plus, they cleaned up your broken nose."
I slowly touched my tender nose, which was swaddled with bandages. I moved my hands down my body. It was not like the previous time of being hospitalized. I was alive. I was whole.
A knock at the door and a swift opening awakened the sleeping beast and all eyes turned to the doctor, who was a young blonde maybe in her late twenties. She had a gorgeous smile as if she should've been in an adult magazine, and her country accent definitely didn't fit her demeanor.
"Alright y'all, I have a lot of good news."
Both the guys sat up intently. I just stared ahead at the doctor awaiting her cheerful announcement.
"So yeah the nose is broken but we were able to reconstruct it. Mama, you're gonna have to start being more careful!"
Wait a minute.
My heart started pounding. I guess the nurse picked up on this because she uneasily scooted towards her computer, where she turned the monitor to show me...what in the actual fuck?
"Yeah, we were surprised as well, especially since your first one didn't make it with the state of your reproductive organs. Luckily, this little munchkin seems to be around 4 or so months along, it's hard to tell for sure with the damage, but they look healthier than ever!"
I opened my mouth but couldn't speak. Michael shot me a wide eyed glance, and Trevor had a worried look on his face. I finally forced myself to choke out something for the sanity of this poor doctor.
"I-is it a boy or girl?"
The doctor examined the ultrasound, and a wide grin spread across her face.
"Well darlin it looks like you're having a baby boy! Congrats, mama! Let me go get your discharge papers. Follow up in a few weeks with your primary or gynecologist just to keep an eye on him due to the, severity of your condition, per say."
With that the doctor basically pranced out of the room. Michael got up as if he was going to follow, but I held my arm out and stopped him. He sighed, sitting back down.
I glared at Trevor, who held his head down.
"Why the fuck didn't you tell me you knocked me up before this?! Why didn't you tell me what the hell happened, huh?"
"I-I'm sorry sweetie it's just-"
"Just what? Trevor, this could've fucking killed me!"
"I know, I'm sorry, Bryn, I fucked up! I just wanted to protect you."
"Yeah sure, fucking Amanda is definitely protecting me."
I rolled my eyes, sighing.
"Bryn I didn't mean-"
"Whatever, Trevor. I should've known. Get the fuck out of my life!"
With that I jumped up from the bed, ripping my IV out despite Michael trying to stop me, and ran out the hospital door. I heard footsteps behind me, and a hand grabbed my wrist, causing me to halt. I attempted to wiggle free to no avail. Instead, Michael forced me into a hug. I melted into his embrace, tears beginning to fall.
"'s okay."
Michael whispered, stroking my long hair.
"I don't know how this happened, or how to even feel."
I blurted out, my voice muffled from being pushed into his chest.
"We'll get through this, Bryn. Come on, let's go home."

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