Chapter 37

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Bryn's POV

I awoke on the couch, still embraced in Michael's arms. I glanced up to see him watching television. He noticed my gaze and smiled down at me.
"Good morning, sleepy head."
I felt my face burning red as I shot up from the couch.
"S-sorry Mikey."
Michael chuckled.
"For what? Sleeping? I'd rather you get enough sleep for our big day than to get hurt or pass out on the job."
"Yeah, I guess you're right."
I slowly brought my hands to my face, wiping the sleep from my eyes. I had a slight headache and my stomach was turning, probably from the anxiety of waking up to someone other than Trevor, my conflicting feelings towards Mikey, or maybe the upcoming heist. Lowkey I still hoped this was a big nightmare, but I'm losing hope that it is by the second.
Michael's phone buzzed, causing him to shuffle as he searched for it. He located it and answered.
"Hey, Frank. Yeah, yeah we're about to head over. Alright, see you in a few."
Michael returned his phone to his pocket and sighed, standing up. He offered me his hand, which I took gratefully.
"You ready?"
I slowly nodded, the stomach pain intensifying. Why didn't I feel this way when I heisted with Trevor? Maybe because I knew the crazy mother fucker would protect me with his life. Michael has been quite the opposite in the past. I guess we'll see what happens.

We waited to enter while Franklin through the gas into the air ducts. After everyone seemed unconscious, Michael and I made the move. We carefully swiped the jewelry from the display cases. Franklin followed along as we hightailed it to the getaway car. Michael threw me a pistol and we kept the cops off until we were able to escape. We arrived at the lockup and unloaded our jackpot.

"That was smooth. Good work, team."
Michael smiled, taking a drag off of his cigarette.
I sat the last of my jewelry down and leaned against the car. I closed my eyes. All of a sudden, it was as if the world was spinning. I buckled to my knees and everything went dark. I felt two pairs of hands grabbing me and hauling me up. Light started shining into my retinas but I couldn't make out what the hell was going on. I felt my stomach continue to churn. I fought my way out of their grasps and stumbled back to the ground, where I emptied the contents of my stomach onto the freshly cut lawn.
I heard Franklin mumble.
I felt someone grab my hair, pulling it away from my face.
I wiped my mouth with my sleeve and stood up, the hands returning to my body.
"Shit, Bryn. Are you okay?"
Michael asked, a genuine concern to his voice. I nodded, although I still felt a little off.
"Probably just overheated, that's all."
"Damn girl, you need to watch yourself before you end up in that hospital bed again. Can't be pushing yourself too much. I know damn well you ain't fully healed by now."
Franklin lectured, throwing a bottle of water my way.
I stumbled a bit but caught it.
"Drink that, get you some hydration going on."
I nodded, practically chugging the water. Admittedly, it did make me feel better.
"We better lay low for a while."
Michael added.
"Yeah man, I agree. That shit was for real. Aye I'll see you guys later. Take care of yourself, girl."
Franklin left as Michael opened the car door for me, standing to ensure I didn't faint again. He closed the door and walked around, entering the vehicle himself.
"You alright?"
He looked over at me, concern spreading across his face once more.
I nodded.
"Yeah, Frank is right. I probably overextended myself."
"Damn, I'm sorry I dragged you into this mess. Let's get you home so you can rest, alright?"
I didn't protest. Michael drove mostly in silence for the rest of the way home, helping me out of the car. He helped me to the couch and I immediately collapsed onto the soft fabric. He ran upstairs and returned with a pillow. He placed it under my head and covered me up.
"If you need anything I'll be by the pool, just yell alright?"
"Thanks, Michael."
With that I drifted off into a much needed slumber.

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