Chapter Four - Ashley's P.O.V

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As I entered the conference room, I noticed both my father and Beta McMillan had already poured themselves a scotch. It's been a rough day, so I cannot say I blame them and walked over to the bar to pour myself one while we wait patiently for Zac to join us. If I had left the poor man alone, we wouldn't have to wait, my cheeks flushing at the thought. A few moments later and Zac entered the room with slight embarrassment in his eyes. He was still at half-mast, so he chose the option of sitting down straight away at the massive conference table with our fathers. Good choice, kiddo, I thought. Good choice. I took an appreciative sip of the cool amber liquid and sat down beside him.

"As you are already aware, the River Run pack will be here within 24hrs. Zac, I want you to meet them at our territory line and escort them in," Dad said to a nodding Zac, and then he turned his gaze to me. "Ashley, I want you to follow up all pack patrols with Beta McMillan and make sure that everyone is taking the threat seriously. We can't afford to have the rogues breaching our territory lines," he said. I was about to protest to dad about sending a Delta to meet River run pack but thought better of it. Dad must have his reasons, I thought. 

As if he had been reading my mind, he said, " I am aware that it is unusual to send a delta to escort another pack onto our territory, but I have spoken to Alpha Rayne at length, and we both agreed that due to the circumstances our betas time would be better spent elsewhere. He expressed his sorrow at not meeting you though Ashley, as they have heard a great deal about you and are suitably impressed with your accomplishments. I am glad he is a reasonable man". I let out an un-ladylike snort and glanced over at Zac.

To my astonishment, he had a small smile hovering over his lips. Curious, I mind linked him. "I see that makes you happy that I am not escorting the Alpha twins," I said with mock anger, raising my eyebrows at him. "Sure am sugar", he replied with a dark chuckle, letting a smirk form on his lips. "You do know I will have to meet them tomorrow night at the reception dinner at the packhouse if I don't run into them sooner", I mind-linked back with a deep laugh. Glancing over over at Zac I noted that the muscle in his jaw was now twitching slightly, and his smile had faded. He knew I was right. And by the looks of it, it pissed him off.

"I will run perimeters with Ashley and Dad tonight to make sure all our guard posts are well stocked with supplies and that everyone is alert," Zac said. "I have made sure that all our elderly pack members have been moved to the town hall and are comfortable. They are happy to stay in the hall until the completion of the ball. I will escort them back to their homes when the threat has been eliminated," He said.

I was just about to speak when suddenly we all received a communal mind link from one of the guards, Jace, stationed at a guard post to the northeast. "A lone wolf has been spotted a few kilometres from our pack territory line Alpha Miller" he spoke in a ragged breath. "John and Andrew have given chase, but they have not returned yet. I am just about to go after them," he replied and suddenly ended the mind link.

Dad's mouth opened to say something, but I stopped him. "Dad, let us handle this. It is our job. You go and make sure the rest of the town is secure along with your pack. I will keep you updated," I said, flashing him a huge grin. Only I could get away with talking to him like that.

Dad was used to me getting my way so that I could do my job as a beta. I was still his little girl in his eyes, and he sometimes hesitated, so I had to be a bit forceful and remind him that I could handle myself and the pack's security. Before he could even protest, all three of us were racing out of the back door of the packhouse, running towards the vast expanse of woods behind it. As we made it into the tree line, we all shifted into our wolf forms, shredding our clothing as we did so. Callie stretched her long legs and shook out any tension in her body, coiling low and taking off at breakneck speed through the woods. Just like me, she had speed and ability on her side, something I was forever thankful for. 

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