Chapter Thirty-Nine- Ashley's P.O.V

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The entire car ride to Prestonville has me on edge. The twins try their hardest to keep me occupied; they can see that I am lost in my mind, genuinely worried about Zac. The fierce urgency and worry that had coated the brief conversation that I had had with him earlier.

As it was, I was already worried out of my mind about him as he was supposed to meet us earlier in the day along with his father. Weird, it didn't sound like he had been with his father now that I think about it.

Rayne and Kane, seeing or maybe feeling, my distress decided to have one of their Betas Will drive us. Our Beta I correct myself. It is so strange thinking that my life was now tied to theirs for life and that we would rule the largest wolfpack in the world.

Looking at Rayne and Kane sitting beside me, I can't help but smile. Rayne has a strong arm resting behind my shoulders and is gently stroking my hair as he looks out the window, his expressive eyebrows drawn. He is obviously lost in thought. Looking to my right, I am delightfully surprised to find Kane looking into my eyes, a small smile hovering on his lips as he absentmindedly traces circles on my thigh with long, beautiful fingers.

Sighing wistfully, I don't think I will ever get tired of how my mates look at and touch me. They make me feel alive and loved. Over the last few weeks, I have inevitably come to discover that while the twins may be identical, Rayne is slightly more serious, a little more broody but still light-hearted and good-natured like Kane.

They are both strong, fair Alphas who command the respect that they have earned. When the door closes to our house of a night, though, it is as if a considerable weight is shifted off their shoulders, and they both come truly alive. It is what makes me love them. No matter how bad their day has been, they both leave the tension at the door and can unwind and enjoy their nights with me.

"Penny, for your thoughts," Rayne says in a gentle voice, promptly pulling me out of myself. "I am just worried about Zac," I confess, peeking up from underneath my lashes, trying to gauge Rayne and Kane's possible reactions to my candid confession. Kane's hand stills momentarily on my thigh but then continues as if I had imagined it.

"Whatever is going on, we will sort it out, Ash," Kane says solemnly with a nod to Rayne. "We don't expect you to suddenly not have any feelings for Zac considering your history with him," he continues thoughtfully. "And as much as I want to kill him for having that history with you, I don't want to see any harm come to him for your sake", Rayne chimes in, lips pursed tightly.

Whacking him lightly on the shoulder, I snort. "Thanks," I say grimly, not knowing what else to say. Naturally, I don't want Rayne and Kane to be fighting with Zac, but I can understand jealousy. I still wasn't sure how I would handle seeing Zac with Mia, let alone live with them in the Blood Moon packhouse.

Maybe this would be one tradition that might have to be broken, naturally depending on how things went. I knew the twins would try their hardest and be professional around Zac but how Zac and I interacted around each other along with Mia still had to be seen. Sighing once more, I decided that maybe it would be for the best if Zac and Mia moved to another house.

Perhaps we could move Will and his mate in with us instead, along with Tobias from the Midnight pack. Having two Betas living in the packhouse wasn't unheard of. Maybe I will broach the subject tonight at the meeting while all Betas were present.

The drive is a long one, and I find myself drifting off more than once, much to the considerable amusement of the twins. The assholes thought it was hilarious every time a soft snore escaped my lips, their snickering startling me awake more than once. I got mine back, though, when I laid my head in Rayne's lap and perched my feet onto Kane's lap, letting my body rub suggestively onto their crotches.

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