Chapter Thirty-Five - Alpha Twin's P.O.V (Rayne)

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***** Hi guys, thanks for being patient while I sorted out another way to write since my computer died last week. This chapter is only a short one but I plan on writing more over the weekend. Please feel free to join my FB or Instagram page for updates and to discuss the book with me, I will always reply. Much love xx

Now that we were in a house of our own, Kane and I have mutually agreed that we will share a bedroom and a bed, as long as Ashley has no qualms about it anyway.

The way she currently has her glorious body draped over the both of us, I have no reason to believe that she would have it any other way either.

I could get used to appreciating the profound joy on Ashley's face when she woke up this morning smooshed beside my brother and me. The twinkle in her eye will be something I will never forget and one I look forward to seeing from here on in.

It is the understatement of the century to say that Kane and I are both incredibly smitten with Ashley. Neither of us could even consider having separate rooms or figuring out some sort of sleeping schedule. Just the thought of waking up every morning without Ashley by my side has an ice-cold shiver running down my spine.

With a contented sigh, I gently pull Ashley's soft body tighter to my chest, peppering gentle kisses to her forehead. The most attractive lazy smile creeps upon her face making my heart beat faster.

"How did we get so lucky, brother? I ask Kane for the millionth time via mind-link because I still can't believe that Ashley is our mate. He doesn't respond to my question, though; he was undoubtedly contemplating the same thing.

Being twins, we always had a similar train of thought, and this one was often on our minds since we discovered the goddess currently between us was our mate.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty," I say, passionately kissing Ashley's lush pink lips. "Morning," she mumbles back against mine. Before I can say anything else, Ashley is snatched away from me, and I am left with my face instantly pressed hard into my brothers back.

I can feel the deep rumble of laughter building inside Kane as I narrow my eyes at his childish action. I can't say I blame him. I would have done the same thing, I think with a snort. Learning to share was undoubtedly going to be a huge learning curve for both of us.

A small, surprised yelp escapes Ashley's lips due to my brother's actions but is quickly replaced by hearty laughter as she too finds his actions hilarious. Hardy har har, I think, rolling my eyes at how childish my brother is.

If Kane believes he can steal Ashley from my arms, he has another thing coming. Two can play at this game, I think and waste no time rolling over the top of his body with a laugh, making sure that he takes the full weight of my body in the process. Hearing him groan beneath me makes my lips curl up at the edges. It serves you right, brother.

Luckily for Ashley, she notices my intentions quickly and hurries away from Kane's body to make room for me. Smug, I draw Ashley into my arms once more and start fervently kissing her again as she melts into my fierce embrace, leaving a bewildered Kane spooning my back.

Now who is laughing fucker, I think with a smirk. However, within seconds, I am leaping out of bed like my arse is on fire growling at Kane. "What. The. Actual. Fuck," I growl.

"You want to be the little spoon brother; you had better get used to my hard dick pressing into your back," Kane roars with laughter. "You win," I reply promptly, hands in the air snickering back at my idiotic brother.

I had to hand it to the idiot. He got what he wanted real quick and without any fighting. I didn't think that Kane and I could have been so happy in a million years as we were when we were alone with Ashley. 

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