Chapter Twenty-Two - Zac's P.O.V

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Once again, I felt like a utter fucking failure. Not only had Ashley been hurt (yet again) while on my watch, but I had already failed my mate and I hadn't even had a chance to meet her yet. Let alone lay eyes on. She had apparently realised we were mates several days ago when she arrived for the Blood Moon Ball, but never got the opportunity to broach the subject with me ollet alone approach me.

Of course, she hadn't been able to. I had never left Ashley's side. The thought upset my stomach and twisted it uneasily in knots, acid burning at my raw throat. Seeing Ashley in hospital again along with the pain and fear my mate must currently be feeling had my heart and soul torn into a million pieces. I didn't want to leave Ashley's side but knew she would not forgive me if I didn't go after Alpha Dante and rescue my mate.

I was sitting in the conference room with Alpha Miller and my father, dazed and unhearing of the uncomfortable conversation going on around me. I couldn't concentrate. My anxious mind was racing, trying to figure out how to save them both. In my heart, I knew I couldn't, and it hurt so bad that I thought I would die. I didn't want to choose.

A furious pounding on the door moments later pulled me from my thoughts and took the choice from me when the Alpha Twins strode in, not waiting for an invitation to enter. "We need to talk," Kane said in a raised voice directed at Alpha Miller.

Alpha Rayne and Alpha Kane stood just inside the doorway, anger radiating off them. It took them two seconds to notice me sitting at the table, eyeing them up and down with disdain. They obviosuly didn't like that, as, within a blink of an eye, I was ripped from my chair by Alpha Rayne and pinned against the wall.

"STAY.THE.FUCK.AWAY.FROM.OUR. MATE" He bit out in a rough tone through clenched teeth. Alpha Miller and my father stood up abruptly, a threatening growl emanating from my fathers' chest. "PUT HIM DOWN", Alpha Miller roared.

Alpha Rayne released me from his vice like grip, returning the savage growl. "We need to talk. Now. In private," Alpha Kane said once more.
"Anything you have to say can be said in front of Beta McMillan and Zac. No doubt it concerns them anyway," Alpha Miller said through gritted teeth.

"For the sake of our packs alliance, I would like to come to some sort of understanding. For my daughter's sake also," He replied bluntly while looking at me. I didn't miss the hidden meaning; his daughter was their mate, not mine, and he intended to fix the rejection, no doubt. Finding my mate just complicated things.

"The rejection matter will have to wait." Alpha Miller held up his hand to stop the imminent protests from the Alpha twins. "For now. I have been in contact with the hospital, and they assure me that even though Ashley lost much blood, she is recovering well and is awake."

Strange, Alpha Rayne and Alpha Kane both let out a small, audible sigh like they had been holding their breaths. Curious. It even looked like they had relaxed slightly with the knowledge that Ashley was recovering and was awake. Maybe they are not complete douche canoes, I thought bitterly.

"Right now, we need to concentrate and combine our forces to find Alpha Dante and rescue Miss Mia Summers. We don't know much about her yet. I am waiting for Alpha Massimo from the Moon Stone pack to join me shortly. He had already commenced his journey back to his territory early this morning before the note was discovered, and he realised that one of his pack members was missing,"
Alpha Miller said gently, not shifting his eyes off of me.

I knew he was trying to determine my reaction and see if I could cope with everything presently going down. "How the fuck do you not know where all your pack members are," I spat hotly. Even though I had never met Mia, I already felt the need to protect her and assumed that was the mate bond. It felt different to how I felt about Ashley, but it was still there.

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