Chapter Seven - Kane

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It was just after dawn, and I had just finished speaking to Alpha Miller about our early arrival. The Bloodmoon Pack desired us to aid them with extra security for their annual Bloodmoon Ball, lending what warriors we could spare to help ensure the perimeter of their territory was secure from the threat of a rogue attack. Reluctantly we agreed to the invitation to attend and to offer added security detail. To be completely honest, my twin brother Rayne and I were not the least bit worried nor thrilled about helping them. We had more than enough of our own problems to be concerned with at present but were ultimately swayed by the number of unmated members of our pack, knowing we could not deny them the chance of finding their fated mate. Nor could we say that an alliance with such a large pack would be unwelcome or unnecessary. Bloodmoon's size and strength were unmatched, their warriors fierce with a reputation that preceded them. An alliance with them would be beneficial for our smaller pack. Arriving in advance would also permit us ample time to check them out firsthand and to survey their vast territory at the very least. To suss them out, so to speak. I won't lie, though; Rayne and I were also extremely curious about Alpha Miller's Beta and daughter, Ashley too. Since we had taken over the reins as Alpha's of the River Run Pack, we decided it would be worthwhile to extensively research the neighbouring wolf packs to learn everything we could about them, and the more we learned about Ashley, the more the she-wolf intrigued us. My brother and I appreciated fine women, and by all accounts, Ashley was extremely fine. I thought smugly, even if she did have a partner, it couldn't hurt to check her out whilst in their territory. As far as I was concerned, she was still fair game since she was unmated. No she-wolf could resist our good looks and charm. "What are your thoughts about attending the Bloodmoon Ball, Kane," I asked, trying for casual and failing miserably when he cocked an eyebrow at the stupid grin I couldn't wipe off my face. I knew the answer but wanted to discuss it more with my brother. "I don't particularly care for it but will certainly be content if some of our pack members find their fated mates", Rayne replied, shrugging his broad shoulders. "Do you think we have a chance at finding our fated mates there," I question seriously? The idea had Jax, my inner wolf, up and yipping excitedly in my head. He was eager to find our fated mate. "With the expected attendance of thousands of wolves, I'd say it increases the odds, don't you think, brother" Rayne states with a grin. I smirk back, his words causing butterflies to take flight in the pit of my stomach at the thought of finding my mate. "After hearing the rumours of Alpha Miller's daughter, Ashley, I would be lying if I said I wasn't keen to attend. A twenty-four-year-old, unmated, skilled warrior could be a bit of fun if you know what I mean," I say between mouthfuls of toast, wiggling my eyebrows suggestively in his direction. I could only imagine what getting a cougar like her between the sheets would be like. The thought had my dick hardening painfully in my jeans. "Beta Miller, you mean, don't get overly familiar just yet, brother. She might kick your ass if you get too cocky. And I, for one, would love to see it", Rayne teased smugly. I would have to have a chat with my dick and remind him that she was a renowned Beta who was a renowned warrior. I couldn't keep thinking of her as a conquest or someone beneath me. Not only was she an Alpha's daughter but also a Beta, for Christ's sake. I already admired her and held a lot of respect for the woman. Belatedly I ponder Rayne's last statement and let out a bellowing laugh, slapping my thigh in amusement. "She can try any time. I would relish the chance to spar with her," I reply through tears of laughter. The thought of a woman, no matter how skilled, getting the better of me was hilarious. "I hear beta Miller is breathtaking. I wouldn't be laughing if I were you, my dear boy. I have heard tales of her fighting skills and would not erroneously believe you could beat her if I were you, Kane", our mother chimed in, flashing us a fond smile and a wink as she walked into the kitchen to join us for breakfast. "She is also taken, so off-limits, my darling boys. There will be other attractive women in attendance, no doubt." She continued thoughtfully, sipping her morning coffee. Our mother was eager for us to find our fated mates and settle down. She wanted to semi-retire now that we had taken over running the pack and was keen for us to produce grandchildren for her to love and spoil. Children were the last thing on either of our minds, though. Rayne and I were only young and wanted to enjoy our lives for a while longer yet. "We have heard the whispers about Beta Ashley being in a relationship with her father's Delta", I snorted in response. "If she is as half as gorgeous as rumoured, I cannot wait to meet Delta Zac McMillan. He has apparently only recently turned eighteen like us," Rayne exclaimed as he poured himself a second coffee. "They are playing with fire if you ask me, brother," I say. "Both are high ranking, in the same pack and unmated. A recipe for disaster when the inevitable happens. If she were my mate, I would dispose of him quickly," I continue. "Kane," Mum counters in horror, nearly choking on her mouthful of food. "What? You know I have a problem with sharing", I reply with a laugh. To be honest, my brother and I were enjoying being unmated Alphas. The line-up of she-wolves, unmated and mated, was never-ending, and we were enjoying them all. They all sought to please, wanting a shot at getting close to an Alpha and clawing their way to being Luna. I thought with a dark chuckle, who were we to rain on their parade? We didn't promise them anything nor tell them we would choose our Luna's. No, we wholeheartedly believed the Moon Goddess had our backs when it came to true mates and would simply enjoy ourselves until the time of their arrival in our lives.

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