Chapter Forty-Seven - Alpha Twins P.O.V (Kane)

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After Rayne informed me about him accidently checking out Zac's package the other day it was the sole thing on my mind. I have tried my hardest not to think about it but given the unique circumstances the image keeps playing on loop in my brain over and over, running my hands though my hair constantly had me wondering if I would have any hair left by the time we got home. GAH.

Thinking about Ashley with Zac had me wanting to rip his throat out, Jax growled his mutual agreement. He was against the idea of willingly sharing Ashley and Callie just as much as Rayne and I were. "We can't do that though Jax, he is her mate now just as much as she is ours." The words tasted bitter but I knew that I needed to try and reason with Jax, he had been fighting fiercely for control more and more the last few days. His need to claim Ashley as his own warring inside me.

Jax snarled inside of me, fighting harder once more to come forward. "Calm down Jax, we are on our way home now and we will be able to see Ashley soon" I replied trying to pacify him. "SHE IS OUR MATE" he spat back, hackles rising. Intentionally ignoring his tantrum, I hastily finished packing the car and turned to my mother "Thanks again for last night," I said while gently wrapping my arms around her slender waist. "Just remember what I said Kane, I want grandbabies as soon as possible. Don't fuck this up"she replied promptly with a hearty chuckle, repeating the affectionate hug with Rayne who had a small smirk on his face at our mothers' words. She sure had a way with them I thought fondly.

"Ready to see our girl Rayne," I earnestly ask, trying to make small talk with my brother as we headed back towards our territory. "I have blue balls, what do you think" he deadpans. I punch Rayne in the arm "It hasn't even been twenty-four hours bro" I gently tease. "Don't tell me you don't Kane," my brother replies promptly, trying to suppress his snicker at how hopeless we both are. "Fine. I'll admit it," I huff.

"What are we going to do about Zac"? I ask my brother. "I don't believe there is anything we can do about him Kane. Apart from accept that he is part of our lives," he growls fiercely. My brothers reply has Jax snarling again. Hell, even I want to growl. Judging by how rigid my brother has suddenly gone I don't have to guess that he feels the same, despite his statement. At least we were in this together.

Pulling up at the packhouse a few hours later I was hesitant to get out of the car, naturally wondering what we were about to walk in on and how I would handle seeing them together again. I need not have worried though as Rayne and I discovered Ashley alone in the office, going over paperwork. "Hi," she says tentatively, rising cautiously from the desk. "I have missed you both so much," she says tenderly, leaning in to give me a tender kiss on the lips.

I can't help but stiffen momentarily as I spy the mark Zac has left above my own, making Jax howl fiercely. "What's wrong Kane," Ashley reasonably asks, shoulders slumping. "Nothing" I lie, hoping that she believes it but knowing that she won't buy the blatant lie."Kane, I know when you are lying. I can feel your emotions remember," she huffs out in exasperation. "Don't worry about him. He will get over it" Rayne says, pulling Ashley into his arms for a passionate kiss. Jealousy washes over me. Not for their display, no for the way that Rayne is able to hide his feelings from our mate better than I can. Or maybe he truly is coming to terms with our relationship.

"Where is lover boy? I ask, curious to find that he has the willpower to leave his, I mean our mate, so soon after bonding. "Your husband-in-law is training recruits, he wanted to give us some time together alone"."Hold up, what did you just say," Rayne asks, eyebrow cocked in question. "Zac is training recruits" Ashley replies with a small shrug of her shoulders."No, the other thing," Rayne continues with a growl. "Oh, husband-in-law. Zac thought it would be cute to call you both that now that the three of you are bonded with me," Ashley responds with a chuckle making Raynes face go red. Rayne releases Ashley, storming out of the room.

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