Chapter Thirty- Eight - Zac's P.O.V

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The moment my lips brushed Mia's forehead and I felt her body stiffen underneath my touch, I knew something was up. I had had my suspicions of Mia since I first met her and had thought long and hard about her endless questions about the goings-on of Blood Moon pack, along with her infinite fascination with Ashley.

Her curiosity had started to make the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end, like some sort of bad premonition. As I drove off this morning, I decided to double back and park my SUV in the forest not far from the packhouse. I would either be waiting here for an hour or so, wasting my time, or Mia would be up to something that she shouldn't be.

My heart sank into my stomach when I watched the familiar car pass me. Mia was certainly up to no good, I thought. Instead of getting back into my car and risking being caught following her, I allowed Callan to come forward, and we raced alongside the highway hidden in the dense tree line.

Once I was confident where she was going, I veered to the left to cut through the forest. Being a Beta Callan had stamina in spades and enjoyed long-distance running. The fire in his stomach kept him at a cracking pace today as he seethed with hatred. "I don't know what that bitch is up to, but when I find out, I am going to rip her limb from limb", Callan snarls.

I believe every word that comes out of his mouth too. I know how much he is hurting that his mate has turned out to be a conniving bitch. The thought made my heart twist with pain. It had almost destroyed me losing Ashley, and now I was about to lose my mate.

I knew what happened to mates when one died, but I didn't see any other way around the mess. If Mia's plans included hurting Ashley, I will not hesitate to destroy her. "If anyone touches a hair on Callie's head, I will end them", Callan interjects, kicking up a gear as we race through the trees and undergrowth.

It isn't long until we are close to River Run territory when we head back towards the edge of the highway, catching sight of the familiar car turning into the parking lot of an old warehouse. I allow Callan to sneak up close to the side of the rusting building so that we are close enough to have a visual of Mia.

A black Jeep pulls into the parking lot in a matter of minutes, and out steps a tall, broad man. At first, I don't recognize his face, but as he gets closer to where Mia is standing, I realize with shock that it is Alpha Dante's Beta, Tobias.

I had recently met him when he visited Blood Moon to discuss the impending take over of River Run. He had seemed pissed off that Ashley had not been in attendance and had made no real effort to be polite. When Alpha Miller made arrangements for Ashley and the Alpha twins to join him at River Run for a meeting, he seemed content with the idea, and I had let his weird behaviour slip.

"What the fuck is going on" Callan grits out between clenched teeth. "I would like to know the same thing", I reply hotly. All of a sudden Callan goes tense, and I can feel a deep growl building inside of him when Mia and Tobias hop into his car. From where we are hidden I can make out that that she is straddling his lap, fumbling with his clothes. The sight has me fuming.

I wait for the telltale burning sensation that mates feel when their partner is being unfaithful and am surprised when it doesn't come. I don't know whether that comforts me that it doesn't or that I am shocked by its absence. I push the thought to the back of my mind to mull over later and concentrate on what they are saying.

From what I can gather, Mia is nothing but a gold digger who wants to fix her status from Omega to Luna without ever earning the title or respect. She has chosen the wrong person to mess with, though, if she thinks I will let her hurt Ashley and Callie.

As Mia and Tobias drive off, I consider following them but then decide my best course of action is to alert Ashley and the Alpha twins first. They were no doubt still waiting on me as their escort. I would need to run to the nearest town to warn them, I wasn't going to let Callan run back to Blood Moon, so I would have to wait patiently for Ashley to pick me up.

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