Chapter Forty-Six - Ashley's P.O.V

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Kissing Rayne and Kane goodbye was bitter sweet. I could feel the hurt pouring out of them as I kissed each in turn. The way their muscled shoulders slumped as they stalked to their car naturally made my heart break. I know that what Zac and I were doing tonight was going to shatter them, but I had the good of our pack to think of, not just our feelings. I wanted nothing more than to show the pack that we were united and strong, that nothing or no one was going to get in our way. Sadly, I didn't think holding off on mating Zac would be a good idea. We had to demonstrate solidarity and make swift decisions. The sooner he was brought into the fold as another Alpha of the pack the better. I just hope it didn't cost me my relationship with Kane and Rayne. I already missed them so much and they hadn't even started the car yet.

Gently closing the door I mind-linked Zac, glad that he had made himself scarce while I had said my temporary goodbyes to the twins. Lord knows I didn't need another possible death sentence tossed out by the hot heads. "Meet me in the master bedroom please Zac"."Are you sure Ashley, we don't have to bond right now," he replied promptly. "Are you backing out on me, Zac? I teased back playfully trying to lighten the mood."Never" came the instant reply followed by a nervous chuckle.

Seconds after entering the bedroom there was a timid knock on the door. "Come in," I called out, naturally wondering who it could be as I had given our dedicated packhouse staff the night off. Glancing curiously at the door I watched as a nervous Zac entered, hands in his pockets and a slight frown on his attractive face.

"What's wrong" I asked quickly bridging the considerable distance between us. Once I was standing before him I gripped his chin between my fingers so that he was forced to look me in the eyes."I feel like I am going to come between you and your mates" Zac replied. "Then don't. You too are my mate Zac. No matter how it makes Rayne and Kane feel." "If it will make things easier for you, for them, I can pack my belongings and disappear," he replied, his face pinched in profound sadness.

Gripping his chin tighter I shifted even closer to him so that our chests were touching and gently pressed a slow, sweet kiss to his lips. "I don't want you to go Zac. You, along with Rayne and Kane are my heart and soul. I couldn't survive without you. Without any of you" I continued earnestly my suddenly breathing hard at our proximity. Zac was too sweet for his own good, always putting everyone else's happiness above his own.

At my words I felt him physically relaxing for the first time in the last 24 hours, gripping his hand tightly I escorted him towards the bed. I knew just how to make him feel he was worthy of love. As we neared the edge of the bed, I felt his apparent hesitation so spun around, instantly catching him by surprise. I didn't hesitate, ripping his shirt off of him so he had no confusion as to my intentions. Buttons scattered all over the room. Zac's eye went wide and then just as fast his eyelids dropped as he scented my arousal. "Ash" he started nervously protesting, I quickly silenced him by fiercely pressing my lips to his. Gradually his mouth took control, his hot tongue caressing the inside of mine while his massive hands shredded my shirt in return. Zac frantically grabbed at my messy bun, tilting my head to the side roughly so that my neck was exposed to him so that he could nip and suck his way down the column of my throat.

When Zac reached my nipples, I couldn't help but let out a series of whimpers as he worshiped them with his tongue, playfully flicking them and then sucking them into his warm mouth. The sensation of his mouth on me was sheer ecstasy but I needed more so I spun him around and aggressively pushed him onto the bed, quickly crawling into his lap so that I was straddling him. I reached for his belt but before I could get the damn thing to loosen Zac tossed me off of him like a rag doll and straddling my hips instead.

"Patience sweetheart," he murmured gently as he trailed wet kisses down my stomach. Slowly lowering his face between my thighs, he inhaled sharply, the act making my clit throb with need. It was so dirty but so hot, I needed more.

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