Chapter Thirty - Ashley's P.O.V

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Tossing and turning all night, I felt like crap when I dragged myself out of bed at 4 am. Since I had walked out of the hall last night, I had not seen nor spoken to anyone. It kind of hurt that neither of the twins had come to try and smooth things over. I guess I was right to be willingly leaving.

Looking critically at my reflection in the mirror, I note last nights makeup is smeared all over my face, so I decide to have a brief shower to clean myself up and to try and chase some of the tension from my body away with hot water. At this moment, I guess I felt precisely how Rayne and Kane had felt when I had rejected them. And it hurt. So much.

Another thing I knew without a doubt was that Eve and Jessica would be gloating over their perceived win. Naturally thinking they had snagged themselves Alpha twins. Whether they had or not was a different story, one I wasn't going to stay around long enough to find out. My time at River Run was coming to an end, I thought with a sigh.

Stepping out of the shower and quickly dressing in tights and a crop top. I make quick work of packing my bag, thankful that I didn't bring much with me, so I am done in no time. Grabbing my bag, I make my way down to the kitchen and find Liz already in there. She eyes my bag and then hands me a steaming hot cup of coffee and motions for me to take a seat at the kitchen island. I was sure going to miss her.

"I didn't take you for a quitter," Liz finally says between mouthfuls of her bagel. "I thought you were a fighter Ashley," she continues earnestly. "I am done fighting Liz." I reply instantly, not bothering to look up into her searching gaze. "Some things are worth fighting for," she replies softly and walks out of the room without a second glance.

Maybe Liz is right. Perhaps I need to take a deep breath and confront the twins today instead of running off with my tail between my legs. Sure, I was wounded by their actions, but I need to get the confirmation of their acceptance of my rejection over and done with before I leave I guess. Either that or I need to force their hand to accept our mate bond.

Looking at my watch, I race out of the front door and head for Mace's house. I had an hour before the training session began, so I didn't have time to waste. Almost fourty minutes later, I make my way back towards the training centre, head held high. This was either going to be the best decision I have ever made, or it was going to backfire publicly.

Either way, I would ultimately know where I stood with the twins. As I force the training centre door open, I take a deep, calming breath. Spotting Mace leaning against the wall just inside the door, I head directly to him. "Is everyone here, Mace," I whisper into his ear. "As many people as I could find on such short notice," he replies. "It is hard to gather people when you can't answer their questions of why," he continues.

"Sorry about that," I reply with a tight smile. "Are you going to fill me in yet?" he asks with a cocked eyebrow. "I want to teach a some siblings a few lessons," I say sheepishly, a dangerous glint in my eye and a cocky smirk on my face. Mace doesn't reply, he just chuckles ruefully, his face nearly splitting in two with a huge devious grin to match mine.

"Can you make sure everybody is paired with someone to spar apart from Jessica or Eve," I say to Mace with a conspiratorial wink. "Anything for you," He says playfully as he walks off, giving out orders for people to pair up and find a free spot on the mat.

Surveying the room, I notice quickly that the twins are not in attendance and curse under my breath. Everything is riding on their presence. Sweat begins to gather under my ponytail at the thought of not going ahead with my plan. Just as my brain goes into overdrive trying to think of a alternative way to force their hand, the double doors are suddenly pushed open, and all eyes snap to their Alphas as they stride into the building with the simpering bitches hot on their heels.

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