Chapter Twenty One - Alpha Twin's P.O.V (Kane)

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The savage fury that consumed Kane and me was palpable. Within the blink of an eye, we had found our mate, been instantly rejected by her and then humiliated by that fucking pup Zac and Alpha Miller. Zac was fucking fortunate that his father intervened when he did. Rayne was even more furious than I was. If that was possible. We had been prepared to rip his fucking head off the second he intentionally touched Ashley. Our fucking mate. Our mate. It sounds so foreign on my tongue.

I guess I didn't have to get used to the sound I thought bitterly, or even think about the reason why the Goddess would have been so cruel to give my brother and me only one mate to share. We had been vehemently rejected, so we were back to being mateless anyway.

Rayne and I were what I would consider close brothers, possibly closer than most twins, but one thing we didn't always see eye to eye about was sharing. It was our one weakness. The one thing we would always fight over. Was it supposed to be a joke that we were paired with only one mate?

If we had not have been rejected, I don't see how we would have shared. Would share I corrected myself, not wanting to believe that was the end of it. Ashley had lived up to her reputation, far exceeded it I thought wistfully. She was the most stunning she-wolf I had ever laid my eyes on and ever would, I thought sadly.

She was tall, athletic, and had the most spectacular unique eyes I had ever seen and don't get me started on her fighting skills. She was a knockout! 10 out of 10. A few mere moments before we were rejected, I thought I caught her eyes widen slightly with unbridled lust and smelt her arousal before she swiftly looked between Rayne and me. The look in her eyes hadn't lasted long before her eyebrows knitted together, and she so spectacularly rejected us publicly.

Before today Ashley had never once met us nor spoken to us, so it made the sting of rejection hurt even more. She had never even given us a chance I thought sadly.
When she had promptly turned to walk away, even though we had been rejected, I could not help but let out a little sigh and appreciate the shit out of the site her retreating rump afforded. Ashley was smoking hot, and the sight of her elaborate tattoos made my heart race.

It took my frazzled, lust addled brain seconds to register the horrific scars that marred Ashley's otherwise beautiful porcelain skin. It took me another ten seconds to recognise just how much blood her body was covered in. I turned to my brother and tilted my head "Fuck, do you see how much blood she has on her? Do you think any of it is hers?"I enquired via mind-link. "Did you see the way she savagely killed brother? I don't think a single drop is hers," Rayne replied smugly, with a triumphant look on his face no doubt at being fated to such a stunning and skilled warrior.

The corners of my lips turned up into a knowing smirk, but before I could reply, there were several gasps from the crowd that had us whipping our heads around. Our faces instantly fell. FUCK. Ashley had fainted. The blood, at least some of it, had to be hers.
Rayne and I raced for Ashley. Before we could reach her, Zac let out a loud snarl and suddenly was on his knees scooping her into his arms, observing him touching her intimately instantly set Hunter and Jax off into a murderous rage.

Zac turned to walk away withAshley, our fucking mate, which had us warning him with furious snarls of our own. With two Alpha's challenging him, he was intelligent enough to halt in his tracks and turn around to face us. The prick, however, had a tormenting grin plastered on his face, and he pulled Ashley tightly to his naked body.

The offensive action had Jax clawing furiously at the edges of my mind. It was so tempting to let him come forward and take control. Being on a rival packs territory, it would undoubtedly be a death sentence though I thought bitterly.
"Put her down, pup," I spat contemptuously, my raw anger almost at the bubbling point seeing Ashley in another man's arms. Both Zac and Ashley being stark naked and her being hurt had seemed to make the precarious situation worse and only increased my ire.

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