Chapter Thirty-Two - Ashley's P.O.V

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My cheeks are reddened, my heart racing. Rayne has me in his strong arms and is carrying me with determined strides back to the packhouse. I want to protest, to halt what is going on, but I don't. I want this. I need this. My heart is still heavy for Zac, but I have talked to my parents most nights since leaving Blood Moon for River Run and know that he and Mia have already been mated.

Zac is like me and knows that it is the right thing to do, but I can't help my heart squeezing at the sudden loss of him. Zac had been my entire world. I was still optimistic that he would remain a constant in my life. I knew I would do anything to be friends with Mia, as long as she was comfortable accepting my sincere friendship. The only thing riding on it was the Alpha twins.

I didn't know them well enough to know if they would ever accept a close friendship between myself and another man—especially one that meant so much to me.
Lost in my thoughts, I didn't realise that I had been carried into the packhouse and up a grand staircase until my feet were being placed gently on the ground in front of a door, and I was being tugged inside by giant hands.

Once inside what was a large bedroom, the door was closed with a heavy booted foot, and two sets of mouths were on me. One claimed my mouth and was currently exploring it with their tongue while the other nipped and sucked its way down the back of my neck.

I had never felt such unbridled passion before; my entire body was on fire with need. It felt so wrong but also so right. But then sanity suddenly came flooding back, and I gently pushed at the chest in front of me, giving myself some space to step away from the twin behind me.

"As much as this is turning me on, have either of you ever considered how a threesome is going to work between us," I ask honestly. "We can show you a threesome on porn hub if you like," Rayne says, waggling his brows at me, and I blanch. "So not what I meant", I reply mortified to the considerable amusement of the twins.

"I meant have you two talked about how a relationship with the three of us is going to work wise guy," I reply promptly. The twins look at each other, and then Kane replies, "We have talked about it, and even though we have never shared before, we have a feeling that the Goddess gave us one mate, you, for a reason." "And we are both prepared to put our jealousy aside and make it work," Rayne adds.

And that is all I need to hear. They are going to try. I can't ask for anything else, and even though the thought of having two mates is scary, I can't help but agree with them. The Goddess must have a reason.

The morning had been a draining one, both mentally and physically. When I spy a bathroom off to the side of the large room, we are currently in, I excuse myself and make my way towards it. Once inside, I take in the sheer size and am impressed with the large shower behind a glass wall. It has a waterfall type shower head in the middle that looks big enough to fit several people under it at the same time. Thinking about the size of the twins, I can see why, they were impressively built compared to most eighteen your olds I thought with a happy sigh.

Leaning in and turning the water on, the room steamed up quickly with the heat. I didn't waste time undressing; I was still in my tights and sports bra from training this morning and desperately wanted to wash the dried sweat off. Stepping into the shower, I brace myself against the wall, allowing the hot water to run over my tired body.

Reaching for the body wash in a recess in the shower wall, I am startled when I hear "Allow me" being said in a low, breathy tone from behind me followed by a large, muscular arm reaching around me.

Whipping around, I scoot back in surprise until my spine is pressed up against the cold tiles. "What are you doing," I ask started when I see the twins standing behind me in their naked glory. I can't help it; I let my eyes roam their bodies, starting at their shapely calf muscles and working my way up to their muscular thighs. I am sure I gulped audibly, much to the evident amusement of the twins when my eyes take in the sight of their cocks. They are huge and are both standing to attention.

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