Chapter Forty-Four - Alpha Twins P O.V (Rayne)

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The moment Ashley and Kane were out of sight, I shifted, letting Jax come forward with a vicious snarl launching myself at the asshole pup. To my surprise, he had already shifted and was waiting, ready for my attack his head down low with a deep growl escaping his chest. It seems he comprehended what was inevitably coming his way, and I had to reluctantly hand it to the pup; he didn't seem to be backing down.

I almost felt sorry for him. I would fight for Ashley too. Hell, that is precisely what I was doing. There was no hope in hell that Ashley would be mated to anyone other than Kane and me. She is ours and ours alone. Fuck the fucking Moon Goddess. She can shove her third mate up her arse, I thought bitterly as I snapped my jaws viciously and snarled at the arshole standing before me.

I knew from previous experience that Zac was a skilled fighter and that it would not be an easy fight. I wanted to feel the pain, though. I needed it to take away the ache in my chest before it threatened to consume me. The terrible thought of losing Ashley was too much. But so was the idea of another man having his grubby little paws all over her. The mental image making a violent shudder run through my entire body, fueling the rage that was simmering under my skin.

"This shit ends today," Zac roars via mind-link. "You know I could just give you an Alpha command, little pup, and banish you, just remember your place in the pack," I spit back with a contemptuous sneer. The idea had more than once crossed my mind to give the command since learning that he was mated to Ashley, but I thought I could give him a death sentence instead of taking the trash out for good.

If it hadn't been for Ashley and her unwavering devotion to Zac, I would have happily snuffed his life out. Banishing him seemed like an excellent idea, but I didn't want to push Ashely away, and after what she had just suggested, I knew that it was not up for negotiations. It didn't mean I had to like the situation or Zac, though. I don't know if I will ever like either, to be honest.

Circling each other warily, jaws snapping viciously, we come together with an almighty crash. Fur flying everywhere as we take nasty bites out of each other, going for the throat. "Maybe I should brutally kill you and Kane and take over. Being mated to Ashley, I will become an Alpha to her Luna. She doesn't need three mates. Shame is I kind of like Kane," he snarls in my face while snapping at my hind legs in a desperate frenzy.

"Do you sincerely think Ashley would ever forgive you pup if you killed us," I spit back, grabbing a mouthful of his hide in my mouth and ripping a hefty chunk off with a sickening wet smacking sound as skin and muscle come with it. The smirk on my face didn't last long when I felt the sudden sting of Callan's fangs sinking into my back leg, his jaw working to produce maximum damage. His jaw locked tight, and I knew thrashing about would be futile. He would snap my leg and leave me unable to defend myself properly.

"GIVE IN", Zac roared, "Or I will snap your leg and then tear your fucking throat out, Rayne. I don't want to, but you are not leaving me with many choices here. I will always fucking fight for Ashley" His words bounced around my brain, and with a frustrated sigh, I merely nodded my head. The fight went out of me.

It was humiliating that a Beta could best me, especially when I was fighting over my mate. MY FUCKING MATE. I felt Callan's immense body physically relax before his powerful jaw reluctantly released its death grip on my leg. The second my leg was out of his grasp, I spun around and clawed him deeply across the face. Callan let out an almighty howl before shifting back to his human form, a smug smirk lifting the corner of my mouth as I took in the sight of the huge gashes running down the right side of his face, spewing out red hot blood.

Despite loving the pretty boys face being ruined and the various other wounds he was now sporting, my heart was still heavy, the fight doing nothing to soothe my soul. Huffing and puffing, I felt all the anger drain from me. As much as I want to slaughter Zac, I know that it would not solve anything deep down. Whether I liked it or not, Zac was going to be a part of my life, in one way or another.

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