Chapter Twenty-Three - Ashley's P.O.V

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Just a quick heads up, my editing app isn't working so this is a rough copy. It is 10:45pm in Australia so I will try and edit it tomorrow after work. Let me know what you think of it, it is a HUGE chapter! xx

Chapter Twenty-Three – Ashley's P.O.V





Swiping a heavy hand over my face I grumble at Callie, her frantic words have shaken me from my deep sleep and they finally register. "What do you want Callie" I growl hoarsely at her. "Shhhh, listen Ashley" She hisses at me, clearly pissed off that I didn't wake up immediately. I shift slightly in the bed, wincing at the pain. Once again, I am in hospital and surrounded by a sterile smell and machines that beep constantly, monitoring me.

I let out an exasperated sigh and shuffle higher in the bed to a sitting position and allow myself to yawn and stretch, as well as I can anyway as the drip attached to my hand constricts my movement somewhat. "Ok, Ok, I am listening Callie" I reply with a tired and scratchy voice wondering what could be so urgent that she won't let me sleep.

"Not to me Ashley! Outside! They are talking about Zac finding his mate" Callie hissed with impatience. "What did you just say" I splutter, Callie's words have taken me by surprise, and I can't fog filled brain doesn't seem to register their meaning. "Shhhhh, listen" she scolds hotly.

I don't bother replying, instead I hold my breath and strain my ears to listen. Callie is right, there is someone just outside my room talking in hushed but clipped tones. "NO, YOU WILL NOT TELL HER. ONCE SHE IS AWAKE AND WE HAVE MIA SAFLEY BACK INTO OUT TERRITORY LINES I WILL BREAK IT TO HER GENTLY" A voice hisses. Mia? The name sounded foreign. The voice however, belonged to my father.

"She needs to know. I know you think you are protecting her but how do you think she is going to react when she finds out that not only has Zac, her partner might I remind you, found his mate but that she has also been kidnapped by Alpha Dante" A small voice replies. My mother.

What the hell were they talking about I wondered. Their voices move away but I catch little bits of the conversation floating into my bedroom. "Being held......Abandoned farm......Lake Road.......Half hour from here.....Zac......Alpha Rayne and Kane...." My fathers voice fades as they leave the hospital.

Pulling the I.V line harsly from my hand I swing my bare feet over the side of the hospital bed, wanting desperately to get out of here. "What are you doing Ash" Callie asks with astonishment. "You can't deny you didn't have a reason for waking me Callie" I shot back. She had the grace to stay silent as I hurried across the room to where my clothes were folded neatly in the cupboard.

I quickly tugged on a pair of comfortable sweatpants and a tank top and pulled my messy bed hair into a loose bun on top of my head, not bothering to look at myself in the mirror. I had a feeling what I would see. A fucking train wreck.

The last 24 hours flooded back to me all at once. The Blood Moon Ball. Dancing the night away in the arms of the man I loved. The rogue attack. Meeting Alpha Kane and Alpha Rayne. Rejecting them. I still didn't understand the last part.

The moment I laid eyes on them, standing across the field with their mouths slightly open and their pupils dilated, I knew I was in trouble. They were absolutely stunning. Lush black hair, deep chocolate brown eyes, sharp jawlines, tanned and oh so toned. Their bodies were mirror images, each carved out of perfection with just the right amount of tattoos. And they were huge! They had to be at least 6'4, their appearance and good looks commanded attention.

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