Chapter Twelve - Ashley's P.O.V

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Ashley's wolf, Callie. 

I want to dedicate this chapter to the very first person to comment words of encouragement on my Instagram post, you made my day. I have never written anything in my life and to be told that you are enjoying my story had me walking around with a silly smile on my face all day. Thank you steffikins2020 xxx The world needs more people like you who lift others up xx 

"Please don't," I pleaded desperately; I couldn't endure any more torture. I had been bent and broken in more ways than I could scarcely conceive possible. There was nothing left of me to give; I was a twisted shell of my self that had been discarded at his whim. I could feel Callie growing weaker and weaker inside me. She couldn't take any more wolfsbane or silver, I overwhelmingly thought with a sudden sad realisation.

For days I had tried to stay strong, Callie and I had fought with everything we possessed, but it wasn't enough. She wasn't physically capable of assisting but had frantically pushed all of her mental strength into me. Ultimately, it is the sole thing I believe that had kept us alive.
Oir tormentor had ruthlessly torn me down to nothing, right where he desired me to be and then when it still wasn't enough, he had gone insane with uncontrollable fury. Our brutal end had been so close, and I had almost desired it. I practically begged for it. Somehow, I knew I had to survive, that this wasn't where my life ended.

Alpha Dante had caught me off guard in our pack territory just after my 18th Birthday celebrations. I had snuck out of my own party as Callie had wanted to enjoy a run in the forest. How was I meant to know that a deranged Alpha, my mothers' high school sweetheart no less, had been stalking me. He had sought revenge.
Callie and I hadn't seen it coming.

One minute we were running happily through the forest, the next thing I remember bitterly was waking up chained in a filthy dirt floor prison with a splitting headache. My vision was blurred due to the slow trickle of blood running down my face I noted. I winched as I tried to scrub the blood away, hissing as I realised that I had been shackled in silver cuffs.

Every time I shifted my hands, the silver would bite savagely into my exposed skin and produce a slight hissing noise as it burnt through my raw flesh. I wasn't certain how many days we had been down here or how many injuries, mentally and physically, we had sustained in the systematic abuse.

Behind me, I heard a door being opened roughly. I slowly turned around to allow myself to take in my surroundings. I knew by my predicament that I was not in a safe place nor with anyone I could trust.

Millions of nightmarish scenarios had run through my sore head in those anxious moments, none seeming to fit. What the fuck was going on, I thought desperately. Frantically I tried to reach out to Callie but received no response. It unwittingly made me shudder, realising for the first time in my life, I was alone.

Blinking back tears, I narrowed my anxious eyes in the direction of the door. In the dimly lit room, I could make out the frame of a huge male stalking towards me.
"Like what you see, baby girl", The man teased, mirth dancing in his every word.

I desperately wanted to scream and shout at him and inform him what a huge fucking mistake he was making. Unfortunately my throat was so dry all I could manage was a small choked out squeak. Great I thought as he laughed harshly as if he had just heard the funniest joke in the world.

"Ready to cooperate or do I need to continue with the lessons,"he purred. The sound coming from his chest had me choking on the bile rising from my dry throat. I would rather die than allow this man to touch my body ever again.

Violent images of the last 24 hours suddenly come back to me, and I doubled over, spewing up what little stomach contents I had left. In my broken state, I had erroneously thought it all a terrible nightmare.

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