Chapter Twenty-Five -Alpha Twin's P.O.V (Rayne)

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Instantly hearing those words escape Alpha Miller's mouth had blood rushing to my head, my heart rate spiked. Zac's mate? Something odd started building inside me. Hope? I wasn't certain, but all I could think about was the fact that Zac had a mate and the thought made me hopeful. Hopeful that Ashley might come to her senses and take back her rejection of Kane and me.

The idea floored me as I had never desired anything or anyone more in my life, but since laying eyes on Ashley the very first time, I knew that I had to have her. Claim her. She was my every thought, and the idea of her rejection being permanent was a pain I wasn't completely certain I could live with.

Rayne and I had been walking around lost since the rejection. We both agreed that it felt like a heavyweight had been placed on our hearts, weighing them down. It felt like I was drowning, and the only life raft able to save us was Ashley. But she had willingly chosen Zac over us. Of that, we were certain. And it fucking hurt. It cut deep.

The only thoughts we had were of how to fix the non-existent relationship we had with her. We had stayed up almost the entire night talking earnestly about how we would win her affection. Kane and I were genuinely excited about the prospect of turning things around, but there was a nagging, black feeling in the back of our minds. What if she didn't want us. Truly didn't want us. The terrible thought caused a violent shiver to run over my body.

Shaking my head to clear my thoughts, I turned back to Alpha Miller, and without talking to Kane, I agreed to help him find Alpha Dante.
I was not being neighbourly. Nor did I want to help Zac. I had my selfish agenda. Alpha Dante was ours, and no one would take the kill from us. He would suffer cruelly for what he had put Ashley through. For what he did to our mate. No one would ever lay their hands on her ever again for as long as I lived.

Helping Alpha Miller and Alpha Massimo served a dual purpose, I thought bitterly. If we rescued Zac's mate, he would be reluctantly forced to end his complex relationship with Ashley. The wicked thought cheered me somewhat, and I knew that Kane felt the same as me by looking at over at him.

Kill the Alpha. Claim the girl. But she wasn't just any girl. No, she was Ashley fucking Miller. The hottest and toughest Beta and fighter werewolves had ever seen, I thought fondly, a huge grin spreading across my face.

"I don't think now is the time to be grinning, brother," Kane said gruffly via mind-link. "I was thinking how proud I am to be mated to someone like Ashley", I replied hotly. Moments later, it was like looking into a mirror as a wide grin spread across my brother's face. I couldn't help letting out a small knowing chuckle, making the members of the room scowl at us. Fuck them. We were allowed to be happy, I thought. And even though we had been rejected, all hope was not lost, at least I hoped not.

Half an hour later, we were on our way to the location that Alpha Dante had been tracked to. "I hope this is over and done with swiftly," I said through gritted teeth. Kane and I were itching to be formally introduced to Ashley by her father later that day. Alpha Miller was not hopeful about changing her mind but had agreed to organise the introductions and mediate a meeting between us. The thought had my stomach-churning.

"I am anxious also, brother," Kane said, instantly bringing me out of my wayward thoughts. I couldn't seem to concentrate today. "Huh" was all I could scarcely manage in reply."Meeting Ashley today. I am also anxious. I have never wanted something so bad in my life, and it genuinely scares me," he admitted before focusing his attention back to the road before us.

A few minutes later, the vehicles in front of us pulled into a densely wooded area, so we followed suit. Parking our SUV beside Zac's hummer, we knew the game plan, so we hit the ground running, quickly shifting into our wolf forms. We didn't want to waste any more time on this mission than necessary.

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