Chapter Nineteen - Alpha Twin's P.O.V (Rayne)

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Alpha Rayne's P.O.V

I had no idea why I was annoyed. Nor so at Jace. He technically hadn't done anything but state what everyone had typically considered as fact. But the way he had said it made my skin crawl, and I dearly wanted to wipe that look off his face, and for a split second, I had foolishly let Hunter take over.

"He fucking deserved it," Hunter said whilst looking up from his slumber. He had been furious but had not given me a good enough reason for his actions, so I had been intentionally ignoring him, much to his visible annoyance. Hunter had been insisting all day that we go and find our mate, sling her over my shoulder and take her home to claim.

He didn't care that that wasn't how shit worked. He apparently couldn't think properly with our mate so close by. By lunchtime, I had apparently become unbearable, most of our pack had decided that it was better to leave me be instead of trying to talk to me. It wasn't fair on them; I was never this terrible to be around ordinarily. I couldn't seem to control my anger.

Kane was the only one who seemed naturally to know what I was going through; I had caught him several times trying to calm himself down, apparent in his desperate eyes and demeanour that Jax kept fighting for control. If I knew how to get my hands on Wolfsbane, I would give my brother and myself a hit to get through the day without Hunter and Jax, I thought bitterly.

Just after lunch Kane and I received word that two of our pack members had left their guard post, apparently to flirt with the wolves from another pack. The thought of letting Alpha Miller and his daughter down had made both Kane and I furious. Instead of heading to the training centre to help them with training, we informed Alpha Miller that we had personal business to attend to.

The pack members who had stolen our chance to meet Beta Miller before the Ball tonight had better have a fucking good excuse for their behaviour, or they would pay dearly for the interruption. When we arrived minutes later at the River Run pack's southern border, we were met by our Betas, Will and Henry. I noted that Jace was not present. Wisely staying out of the way, I thought.

"Care to explain what the fuck is going on", I growled menacingly to no one in particular. "Alpha Kane, Alpha Rayne" Will spoke wearily with a slight nod in greeting."James and Chris over there", he said while motioning with his chin, "left their post for almost an hour while they pursued some females. "They.." He didn't get a chance to finish his sentence before Kane and I both shifted to our wolf forms and pinned the irresponsible men to the ground, snarling viciously in their faces. They knew they had fucked up; they also know they would only get one warning.

I have no idea how long we kept the men pinned to the ground but decided enough was enough when one of them pissed their pants. Kane and I both shifted back into our human forms in utter disgust that we had such a weak man working security for us.
"Did you smell that, brother," Kane said with a pissed off look on his face. "Next time they fuck up, I will not be so lenient. They have jeopardised many lives today with their bullshit stunt. Can we trust them to be on the lookout tonight, brother," Kane continued, coking his head to the side to measure my reaction to his question.

"They would be fucking foolish to let their guard down again," I replied bluntly. Looking back at the two miserable assholes still laying in the dirt behind us. I let out a warning growl, "Go get cleaned up and be back at your post in an hour. Don't even think about stepping foot inside the Ball tonight. You are both working double shifts," I spat contemptuously.
Wisely neither of them grumbled nor dared to look us in the eye. They kept their heads down and nodded before they took off towards the packhouse to the accommodation that had been provided for them.

"Fucking pups," Kane said through gritted teeth. "Will and Henry, make sure those two careless fools do their job tonight, please," I said tersely, "If anyone gets through on their watch, they have signed their death warrants". "Sure, thing Alpha Rayne" Will said "I will make sure of it", he added vehemently.

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