Chapter Fifty - Ashley's P.O.V

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Being pregnant was a magical feeling, something I sincerely wished I had experienced sooner. Not that I would consider changing a thing in my life, having to wait longer for my mates was a blessing in disguise. It made me appreciate them even more and be thankful for the bonds we had forged.

When Xavier and Xander came along my world had felt complete and by the time my second heat hit me in full force I was more than ready to expand our beautiful family. And so was Zac. Understandably so. While he absolutely adored the boys and considered them his own, I could tell that he was longing to be a father himself and we didn't waste any time trying. As forewarned, he was smug about having me to himself for this heat and teased the twins relentlessly. To my considerable surprise though the twins were great about it and even gave Zac helpful tips on how to handle my apparently insatiable urges throughout my heat, which had me scolding them. Argh, men.

Even thought they could be insufferable at times I honestly did not know how I got this lucky. Kane and Rayne were brilliant fathers and it made me proud to watch how careful and doting they were with the pups. So was Zac. He loved the boys fiercely and if anyone asked, he proudly stated he was their father which had my heart melting into a giant puddle at his words. It also made the bond between him and the twins rock solid. With our family expanding I was thankful for our mothers being in the packhouse now more than ever. Having twelve-month-old boys with endless energy running around while I could only waddle wasn't always easy. Not that I minded. The boys were our world. The centre of our universe.

Xavier and Xander took after their fathers with jet black hair and gorgeous, big brown eyes. There was no doubt in our mind that they were both alpha males either. They were taller and stronger than most pups their age, something Rayne, Kane and Zac were super proud of.
One thing that the four of us were certainly not ready for was the mind link connection with the boys. They had started talking much earlier than other pups and when they wanted something they didn't hesitate to fill our heads with their incessant babble. Thankfully I was assured by my parents, more than once as I needed the reassurance, several times that as the boys got older they would learn to use the bond between us more wisely. As much as I loved them, it was hard to fall asleep when I was heavily pregnant and had two small voices in my head talking over the top of each other until they drifted off to sleep. Some nights I would block them out and let Rayne, Kane and Zac deal with them just so I could maintain a little bit of my sanity. Other times I would listen in with a huge smile on my face while Zac told them bedtime stories until their soft snores could be heard coming from the room beside ours.

I don't know how humans did it, having only baby monitors to listen for their children during the night. I was thankful for our super hearing, sight and smell. And even more thankful that my children had so many fierce protectors and teachers all under the same roof. I slept much easier with that knowledge.

Sitting up in bed with a start one night, close to my due date, I feel a wet patch gradually spread beneath me. "What's wrong Ash?" Kane whispers from beside me, carefully keeping his voice low so that he doesn't wake Rayne and Zac. They had come in late from patrol and had fallen into bed dog tired only an hour ago. Looking at them I didn't think I would ever tire of falling asleep curled up beside my three mates. It made my heart happy, as well as my lady bits. They were all more than attentive lovers and I was grateful that they no longer had a problem with sharing a bed together.

"I think my waters just broke," I reply promptly, my voice slightly higher as a small contraction hits. In the early morning light, I can see Kane's eyes widen in horror. He sits up so quickly that he accidently falls out of bed, hitting the floor with a loud thump. I can't help myself, tears of laughter stream down my face at the sight of him so flustered. He jumps up with a huge, dopey grin on his face. "What the fuck Kane. Some of us are trying to sleep" Rayne grumbles from the other side of me. "Ash is in labour" Kane yells back in excitement."What did you just say" Rayne says, suddenly fully awake. Rolling away from me Rayne grabs Zac excitedly and shakes him like a doll. "Wake up Zac," he shouts, shaking poor Zac harder. "Wake up bro. Ash is in labour," Rayne says repeating his twins words.

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