Chapter Eleven - Ashley's P.O.V

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****** WARNING********* SEXY SCENES

Zac sure was disliking having the River Run pack on our territory, I thought. More than once, I caught him glaring at the flowers. It was getting late, but he stubbornly refused to return to the packhouse and had even argued with the nurse until she finally relented, allowing him stay the night with me.

"Tomorrow, I would like to obtain some alone time with Callan, please Ashley. I need to talk to him," Callie said grimly.

"What's up, Callie," I asked, surprised at her words and sudden melancholy. "I need to speak to him about not letting Zac reject his mate if they find them at the Blood Moon Ball," she replied with a sniffle.

I hadn't expected her to say that. It had my hair standing on end. I knew we had to let them go, but it was such a vast about-face from 24 hours ago when Callie would have fought to the death for both.

I had always thought I would too, but as much as I loathed the thought, I knew I would not let Zac ruin his life by rejecting his other half.

"Sure, Callie, it will make it easier for Zac if Callan understands the situation. We will always cherish them both, no matter what happens," I replied, trying to console her. If only she knew it was shredding my soul even thinking about it. I wouldn't let on though, I needed to be strong for both our sakes.

Callie blew out a small puff of air and sat down. It was apparent I had stated what she desired me to say. It would be harder for me to convince Zac not to throw his life away or ruin that of his intended.

The following 24 hours were going to be our last together I thought sadly, letting a single fat tear roll down my cheek unchecked. I don't know how I knew it, I just had this feeling and it ate away at me until I acknowledged it.

Zac silently leaned over the hospital bed and wiped the tear away before rising and kissing me sweetly.
"Don't?" he said, grabbing my chin between his fingers to turn my face back towards his.

Zac always knew what I was thinking. "It is hard not to be sad, Zac. Can't you feel the shift in yourself and that of Callan?" I said in a small, choked out voice.

"I can, but that doesn't mean that my mate is close by, does it? Or that I am even thinking about accepting them," he pleaded with his eyes.

"Don't you dare think of rejecting them, Zac McMillan. I would never forgive you. Or myself, for that matter. I couldn't live with myself, knowing that I was the sole cause for someone else's misery," I replied, allowing more tears to flow freely from my eyes.

"I know you love me, Zac. And I love you with all my heart. I will always love you. But rejecting your mate will not bring us closer. We both know it," I uttered into the silent night.

"Let's enjoy the time we have left together and figure the rest out later," I added. Zac just held my gaze with sad eyes, they were swirling with black, and I knew that Callan was fighting to dominate.

"Tell Callan to settle down. Callie has asked to speak with him tomorrow. Tonight is about us," I said as I sat up straighter in the bed so that I could lean over and plant a kiss on Zac's sweet lips.

The kiss did nothing but ignite a fire. All the emotions of the last two days came crashing down, and I could no longer control myself. I didn't give a shit that I was still hooked up to machines. I need this man more than anything I ever have needed in my entire life.

Zac looked at the drip in my arm and then back at me, I had seen the indecision in his eyes, but that of lust rapidly replaced it. I pulled the I.V line out of my wrist and flung the blankets to the floor.

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