Chapter Nine - Zac's P.O.V

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Zac's P.O.V

I spent the entire day immersed in pack business with Alpha Miller along with Alpha Rayne and Alpha Kane, showing them around our territory security lines and going over every minute security detail I thought necessary.

If they were to be of any assistance, they would need to know just about everything. I had only known them for 24 hours and had already grown weary of their company, longing to be back beside Ashley's bedside. Her plans to escape the hospital tomorrow pissed me off, but there was no way anyone could stop her once she made her mind up. She was stubborn I thought with a laugh.

I had been informed earlier that morning that my father had been discharged from the hospital and was currently at home resting. Apparently he hadn't taken that advice too nicely until Alpha Miller ordered him to have the rest of the day off. I chuckled again, he too was as stubborn as Ashley I thought fondly.

By late afternoon we headed back to the training centre to oversee the pack with their fighting drills. Entering the building, I noted dozens of unfamiliar faces and scents. More River Run pack members had arrived and would be put through their paces today to show off their strength and ability and then be assigned a duty accordingly.

As we walked onto the training mats, several she-wolves ceased what they were doing, their jaws hitting the ground when they observed the Alpha twin's presence. Briefly glancing at Alpha Rayne and Alpha Kane, I could see they thoroughly enjoyed the attention.

Alpha Miller ignored the disruption and walked to the centre of the room. Clearing his throat he spoke clearly addressing the room, "I would like to thank you all for being here today." He said, "Without you, we would not be able to hold our Bloodmoon ball. We very much value your time and protection.

I would like to introduce Alpha Rayne and Alpha Kane from the River Run pack, they'll be assisting training today, supporting anyone who needs help with their fighting technique-dismissed". He said to the class.

Turning back towards us, he addressed Alpha Rayne and Alpha Kane. "Do you mind if I leave you in the capable hands of Delta McMillan," he said. "I have some personal business to attend to but will join you both again this evening for dinner". "Sure," they replied as one. I rolled my eyes at their joint response and was thankful they were only visiting.

As Alpha Miller left the training centre, a lone male approached us with what I would call a cocky grin on his face. I assumed he was from River Run pack as I had never seen him before, and judging by his size; he wouldn't be someone I would forget in a hurry. The guy was huge!

"Alpha Rayne, Alpha Kane," he acknowledged while extending a large hand towards me. That annoying knowing look passing over the Alpha twins faces again. It was frustrating being around the two of them. I thought sourly not for the first time.

"Hi. I'm Tyler. I am the delta of the River Run pack," He said, seemingly sizing me up as he spoke. "Nice to meet you, Tyler. My name is Zac. I am delta of my pack. How can I assist you" I replied? "I don't have a sparring partner and was wondering if you were free", he said with devious determination in his eyes. Dick measuring comp coming up, I thought with a laugh, why not.

"Sure, I've got time," I said. While we moved off to find a clear area to spar the Alpha twins started making their way around the room. They stopped every so often to give a word of advice or encouragement but never fully taking their eyes off us. I harboured a sneaking suspicion that Alpha Kane and Alpha Rayne had put Tyler up to offering me out. Well, two could play at that game.

Tyler barely waited for me to remove my tee-shirt before starting to spar. As the discarded item of clothing hit the ground, he ran at me like a freight train. Sparring was out of the question then I snorted, quickly deciding to bring my fist up with everything I had. Bring it on buddy.

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