Chapter Forty-Eight - Ashley's P.O.V

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With the next full moon only  two days away we mutually decided to hold the wedding ceremony then. Not only would our bodies be vibrating with the joy of running in wolf form under the full moon, but it would provide us a excellent chance to run with almost the entire pack for the very first time.

Just thinking about being Luna of such an immense pack had my heart swelling with immense pride. I was no longer the mate less, and nightmare filled Beta but a fierce Luna with three of the strongest Alpha mates in werewolf history. Allowing our wolves to get to know the familiar scent of one another and possibly forge new alliances and find possible mates within the newly merged pack made me giddy with genuine happiness.

Time seemed to drag on slowly as we organised the other recently amalgamated packs attendance under the guise of a pack merging party, I didn't know how they were going to feel about me having three fated mates which was making me kind of nervous to be honest. Not that I thought they wouldn't be accepting, as they had already embraced me as their Luna along with the twins as their Alpha's.

There were conspiratorial whispers far and wide about how strong of a pack we were, having three fierce rulers instead of two. Not going to lie, the eager whispers made my heart sore with absolute pride. Had I known years ago why I had not been given a mate at the age of eighteen I would not have been the fierce leader I was today. The struggles and considerable hardships had molded me into what I was today and I wouldn't change a thing about my past because of it.

Most mornings I still woke up and pinched myself when I rolled over in bed to find not one but three handsome mates beside me. How I got this lucky was something I attempted not to dwell on because I could not think of a sole reason why. Instead, I embraced it and sincerely thanked the moon goddess nightly for her abundant blessings in my life.

I'm not going to lie, though; it hasn't been smooth sailing, far from it. While Rayne and Kane have begrudgingly allowed Zac to share my bed and time, I still catch them from time to time with murderous expressions on their faces when they think I am not looking. I honestly can't blame them though; it was a massive shock to all of us when we discovered that I was Zac's second chance mate. It was kind of comical because I also caught them joking around with Zac, gradually letting their guards down and getting to know him.

Since the first night the four of us shared a bed, the considerable tension seemed to be slipping away from the twins, our routine syncing with one another as we spent our days with pack business, training recruits and patrolling our vast territory. Even though we rule the pack all four of us are very much involved with the day to day running and essential protection of it.

Not a single sole besides our immediate family and closest friends knew about Zac and I being mates, but I dare say some of them have a sneaking suspicion about our complex relationship. I don't miss the way some of the elder's inhale sharply when I am around them. Naturally pondering why I smell not only like Rayne and Kane but also Zac.

The full moon couldn't come fast enough, the sooner our relationship was made public the better. Concealing secrets from our pack is not something I ever saw myself doing but with the sheer size and the territory that went along with it, I naturally wanted to be the one who addressed the pack as one. I didn't want to rely on chinese whispers when it came to something so significant.

The night of the official ceremony finally arrived, and I was a bundle of nerves. Almost the entire amalgamated pack had arrived this morning, leaving only a skeleton crew to oversee security of our lands.  While everyone was buzzing around, excitement permeating the air I was still in my room staring at the dress hanging on the back of my dresser contemplating how the pack would receive the news. "Stop stressing" Zac whispered as he entered the room, instantly winding his arms tightly around my waist. "The pack cherishes you and even though our relationship is unheard of no one thought anything of you being the first female Beta nor being the first Luna to be mated to twins."

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