Chapter Five - Zac's P.O.V

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Zac's P.O.V.

My heart was racing as we sprinted through the forest, my mind trying to process a million thoughts. We had come across the shredded bodies of our three guards a few kilometres west of here. Someone had viciously torn out their throats; it was a blood bath. We were shocked when Ashley informed us that it was Alpha Dante. We knew what he was capable of; a chill ran down my spine and settled there. The tales of him being a deranged and cruel Alpha were not just stories after all. Dad had fought him once before rescuing Ashley years ago,we both knew that he fought with brute force, having zero mercy for anyone who got in his way.

The landscape was a blur as we darted in and out of trees, jumping logs and small puddles in our way. "There, up ahead", I yelled to dad through the mind link, both of us digging our claws into the forest floor to get more purchase. "I can smell blood", Callan howled inside me. He was vibrating with furious rage; it was rolling off him in crashing waves. After seeing our men, we knew we had to get to Ashley as soon as physically possible. I had tried to reach out to her but kept coming up blank. I didn't know whether she could hear me or not, and it spurred me on faster still. I mind-linked Alpha Miller, hurriedly filling him in on the unfolding situation. He was irate and barely able to control his anger but assured me he would be here with more men within minutes. I felt like a fucking failure; once again, I had failed to protect Ashley. "I know what you are thinking, Zac", dad said through the open link. "Don't. You get to Ashley; I will take care of Alpha Dante," he said as he lengthened his stride.

I followed suit, and in no time, I was beside Ashley, swiftly shifting back into human form as I came to a skidding halt beside her. I winched, looking at her lifeless body curled into the foetal position on the forest floor. It was almost too much to bear. I leaned down and felt for a pulse letting out a small sigh as I felt a weak but steady heartbeat. She was unconscious, and judging by the looks of the crimson stain spreading out around her body; she had lost a lot of blood. A war waged in my head; Callan was almost pushing his way forward, wanting to give chase and destroy the man that had done this to Ashley. He wanted desperately to snuff his life out. I had to stand my ground and warn Callan to behave so that we could save her life; I could see she was still losing blood. After a few moments, he realised I was right and sat down with a heavy thud, anxiety etched on his face.

I turned Ashley over and sucked in a shocked breath of air through my gritted teeth as I could see the handle of a dagger protruding from a gaping hole in her abdomen. I grabbed it tightly with both of my hands and pulled it out slowly. I knew it would hurt like hell and could cause more damage, but I knew being silver, it could kill her the longer it was inside her. The silver would not allow Ashley to use her werewolves' power of healing, with Callie surprised by it either. Just as it was almost out, Ashley opened her lilac eyes. They seemed to pierce my soul, and she let out an agonising scream before succumbing to the darkness again. I quickly covered the wound with my large hand and tried to stem the blood flowing freely from her.

I picked her up with my other hand, trying to juggle both tasks and set out at a sprint, running as quickly as I could towards the pack doctor's clinic. In other circumstances, I would have snorted at the thought of anyone seeing me running naked through the forest carrying a naked, conscience lady in my arms. Not today, today was deadly serious, and my speed was going to be the difference between life and death, I was sure. "Hang in there, Ashley," I said through gritted teeth while darting around large pine trees and ducking under low hanging branches. "I can't lose you," I said out loud, hoping deep down that Ashley could hear my words. In no time, I could hear voices approaching us. I let out a low howl so that they could find our location more quickly. As I rounded a corner in the forest, I came face to face with Alpha Miller and a dozen warriors, he stepped forward to take Ashley from my arms, and I instinctively let out a low warning growl. Alpha Millers' eyes widened slightly, and his nostrils flared. "Give her to me, Zac", he growled. The men behind him stiffened in anticipation of an altercation. As much as I wanted to be the one to take care of her, I knew better than to challenge her father, the Alpha of our pack, so I hesitantly shifted her into his waiting arms as he issued orders for the rest of us to help Beta McMillan find Alpha Dante. I took one last look at Ashley lying limp in her father's arms, sending a silent prayer up the goddess to keep her alive, and then took off with the rest of the warriors, itching to get a chance at killing Alpha Dante for what he had done.

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