Chapter Forty-Three - Ashley's P.O.V

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Forty-Three – Ashley's P.O.V

My mind whirled violently, earnestly trying to comprehend the implications of the words Rayne and Kane had just spoken. Death sentence. Surely, they would not consider intentionally killing Zac. They had obviously not thought this through.

"STOP" I screamed hysterically via mind-link, making all three of them snap their heads towards me in genuine surprise. Cautiously approaching the twins on unsteady legs, I spoke in a whispered voice, knowing that their wolves were dangerously close to the edge, fighting for dominance to come forward and kill the man who dared to lay claim to their mate.

"Rayne, Kane. Would you please think about what you are doing? If, for some fucked up reason, the moon goddess gave me three mates, it must be fate. I mean, why me? I am not special and definitely don't deserve the love of three mates. If you kill Zac, you will be killing a piece of me, and I may never recover from the loss" I pleadingly choked out.

The twins eyes widened as the realisation of my words washed over them, their pupils instantly starting to come back into focus as they carefully considered my words. After a few terrifying seconds, large snarls left their throats as they inevitably come to the same conclusion I had, it would destroy me.

As much as I loved Zac the precarious situation I currently found myself in was not one I would wish on even my most despised enemy. Even though he was now six feet under, pushing up daisies, I thought with a sneer. To see the ones you loved torn apart and willing to ruthlessly slaughter one another was almost too much to bear.

Zac stumbled to his feet. Still, in shock from the death sentence that the twins had just imposed on him moments ago. "I think it would be best if I just left," he said in a low voice, pleading desperately with his eyes for me to let him go so as not to cause any further problems.

"No," I replied sternly. "This needs to be sorted out today. Right now. This is not being left another minute."I growled fiercely while glancing nervously between the three of them. There was no chance in eternal hell I was letting something as crucial as this go, nor would I allow it to cast a shadow over our successful take over of territory and packs.

"I get that the two of you are protective and despise the idea of sharing me, but Zac was in your shoes not so long ago when the moon goddess mated me to the both of you," I said gently as I carefully approached them, aware that their wolves were still close to the surface and not wanting to set them off.

Once they realised my intention, their postures loosened and a small sigh escaped their mouths as they drank in my words. They knew all too well what Zac and I had both gone through recently over the separation and how it had nearly destroyed us.

"There is no chance in hell that Zac will ever get his hands on you ever again", Rayne fumed, clenching and unclenching his jaw while shooting daggers in his direction. "Don't you get it, Rayne", I half screamed, "IT IS NOT UP FOR DEBATE. ZAC IS MY MATE". Watching his face crumble ripped a hole in my chest.

Rayne shook his head and stormed out of the room, splintering the door violently as he left. "Rayne" I screamed to his retreating form l. I started to go after him but Kane's arms snaked around my middle, pulling me back into his loudly thumping chest. "Let me go, Kane", I wailed.

"No, Ash. Rayne needs time to himself.  To process the situation," He said in a small voice as he released me. Turning around slowly, a sob caught in my throat. I looked into Kane's eyes, trying to gauge his feelings. "What about you" I whispered fearfully. Kane didn't bother to reply, seemingly lost for words. He just let out a straggled breath and shrugged his shoulders before turning away from me and going after his brother.

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