Chapter Fifteen - Alpha Twin's P.O.V (Kane)

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Alpha Kane's P.O.V

Rayne and I unanimously decided to head out once again after everyone had gone to bed. We naturally wanted to head back to the local hospital and check out the unknown source of the intoxicating aroma.

Jax had virtually driven me insane all day with his non-stop anxiously pacing. I bitterly cursed the Goddess several times for pairing me with such an insufferable prick. "You can talk, Kane", Jax spat."I have also been paired with an insufferable jackass that won't find mate", he continued sternly with a fierce snarl.

"If you keep this shit up, I will inject myself with wolfsbane just to gain some welcome respite from you," I growled back hotly. I would never actually do that as I had heard the countless stories of how painful the shit was. The thought had me shuddering involuntarily as I considered the unimaginable pain Ashley had been put through.

If I ever crossed paths with Alpha Dante, I would kill the fucker with my own bare hands. Whoa, back up, where did that thought come from? I wondered uneasily. It had Jax standing to attention, nodding his head vehemently in enthusiastic approval. "I will rip his fucking heart out," he said fiercely through gritted teeth.

I could feel the palpable fury rolling off him but didn't have time to properly consider it or analyse its origins before Rayne mind-linked me.
"Where are you Kane. I am waiting in the tree line out the back", he huffed. "Be out in five," I replied promptly, hastily chucking sweat pants on and hurrying towards the back door.

We wisely decided it would be best to carry our clothing with us while we allowed Jax and Hunter to run free in Blood Moon territory. We didn't like the idea of being caught prowling naked on another Alphas turf so late at night, especially since we hadn't bothered to ask permission first. An indiscretion we would have mercilessly killed for if the shoe was on the other foot.

As soon as I reached the extensive forest, I could see Rayne had already transformed into his wolf form, Hunter's large eyes glowed up at me in the moonlight. I wasted no time allowing Jax to come forward, subtly reminding him to carefully carry the sweatpants in his large mouth as we took off towards the outskirts of town. He huffed at the inconvenience but did what he was told.

We wasted no time in finding the hospital again. When we were close enough to see inside the illuminated windows, but still well hidden in the trees, we sat on our haunches. Waiting several minutes anxiously watching and listening to the comings and goings until we were assured that nearly everyone had gone to bed. The only people that appeared awake inside were a small skeleton crew of nurses checking that flittered from room to room as they checked up on their patients.

My brother and I carefully made our way around the hospital, letting Hunter and Jax scent the balmy air as they went. They instinctively kept their considerable bodies low to the ground to avoid possible detection. "The scent is strongest here," I said to Kane. Hunter promptly took a deep breath in and then sat down under a small window. Jax mimicked Hunter's movements, and he too, sat down and allowed his tongue to loll out of his mouth with apparent happiness.

"Let's do a quick perimeter check and then shift to take a better look," I said to Rayne. Hunter nodded his head in mutual agreement swiftly heading one way around the hospital while I took the other side; when we came back several minutes later, we decided that it was safe to shift.

After putting our sweatpants on, we crept silently towards the visible window that Hunter and Jax had indicated. Although we could smell the delicious aroma, their scenting ability surpassed ours, and we trusted it. Rayne and I crouched low under the window, a small shrub doing what it could to mercifully hide our large frames.

Rayne and I sat there for a couple of breathless minutes until we were sure we would not be seen and then slowly raised our bodies to peek into the window. One thing we were not counting on was the hospital curtain around the bed being drawn, and even though we could see into the room, we could not see anything surrounding the bed.

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