Chapter Thirty-One - Alpha Twin's P.O.V (Rayne)

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The first day of training was the hardest by far. Watching Ashley spar with Mace had Kane and me on edge. Not only were we jealous that he had a legitimate reason to put his hands on Ashley, but the way she handed him his arse over and over had us walking around all day with painful erections.

Not to mention trying to keep a straight face, it was hard to keep a mask of careless indifference on our faces when all we wanted to do was radiate pride. Ashley was the whole damn package. It was our wounded prides that kept Ashley at arm's length, despite the best efforts of our mother, who had tense talks with us daily about our treatment of our mate.

Our mother was slowly getting through to us, and I wasn't sure I could take Hunters howling and whining much longer. So many times, I have found myself fighting him for dominance the last few days.

"She is lethal, brother," Kane says appreciatively via mind-link while making his way around the training room, pulling me out of my thoughts. "Careful, Kane", I reply."Anyone would think you were falling for her already." "What do you mean already? I think I fell the moment I laid eyes on her brother", Kane replies with a nervous laugh.

"Tell me again why we are ignoring her," he asks bluntly, eyebrow raised in question, looking at me from across the room. "Because it fucking hurt being rejected before she even gave us a chance to introduce ourselves," I reply swiftly. "It sure did. But how is she supposed to fix things or get to know us if we continue to ignore her" Kane enquires before ending the mind-link.

Kane was right, and I knew it. I just couldn't get past the hurt and humiliation. Not yet anyway. There was no way in hell I would accept Ashley's rejection, nor would Kane. I was sure of that. But there was so much I needed to sort out in my head before I could start to let her in.

Kane and I spent the week swamped in pack work, meetings with Alphas of other packs and constant communication with Ashley's father, Alpha Miller, to talk over the possibility of a future take over. There was so much more to consider than just our mate bond with Ashley. We had to think about the possibility of running not one but three packs, which would make us, along with Ashley, the head of the most extensive werewolf pack the world had ever seen. No small feat by any means.

The sheer size was unimaginable, and to be honest, it kind of scared Kane and me. Watching Ashley over the week made us feel confident. Seeing her hold her own against different opponents provided us the strength to believe we could make this work. She was the strongest she-wolf we had ever encountered and knew she would have to be being mated to the two of us.

The uncomfortable thought of sharing was still a sore point between us. Not because we knew we couldn't share but because we weren't sure how Ashley would take to having two equally possessive Alphas bound to her for life.

By Friday morning, Kane and I were in foul moods, having slept little during the week due to Hunter and Jax being un-relentless in their pursuits of wanting to claim Ashley as their own. "Her scent is everywhere", Hunter growls at me."I can not think straight. And yet you won't do anything about it. She is sleeping under the same roof. God damn it," he yells furiously.

I can feel another pounding headache coming on. "We can't just go and claim her, Hunter. Things are complicated," I reply bluntly, trying to placate him but know my denial of our mate will only further infuriate him, in turn making my life a living hell.

I wasn't opposed to claiming Ashley, far from it. But things were complicated at present, and I couldn't just claim her like Hunter wanted me to. I was not her only mate and knew that it was something Kane and I would need to talk about before that ever happened. I could only imagine how I would feel if Kane and Jax decided to claim Ashley without me being present, that shit would hurt, and it would no doubt divide us.

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