Chapter Six - Zac's P.O.V

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Zac's P.O.V.

As the hours drifted by in a blur, I resisted the urge to try and mind-link Ashley; I was so used to her being a constant in my head that I had to admit that I felt lost when she wasn't there. I knew that while she was unconscious, I should leave her rest and give her a better chance to heal faster without her having to try and worry about voices in her head, though. I knew that the silver and wolfsbane would keep her wolf suppressed for at least 24 hrs until all trace of it was out of her system. What a fucking nightmare today had been. Having nothing to occupy me, I found the events repeatedly playing in my mind, going over all the scenarios in my head. I shook my head. I had to stop replaying it as the longer I thought about it, the more I was furious with myself for Ashley's predicament. Because I was careless, I had put her in harm's way. I should have stayed by her side and insisted that we all patrol together. Deep down, I knew I couldn't blame myself though, Ashley was strong-willed and could handle herself. She didn't become Beta just because her father was the Alpha of the pack.

I had seen firsthand over the years how Ashley had to train harder than anyone else to prove that she was worthy of filling a male-dominated role and of attesting that she gained it on her merit and not just because of her last name. The Alpha and Luna were so proud of her and her achievements. They radiated with pride, knowing that their daughter was the only female Beta in werewolf history. She proved her ability time and time again in every tournament she entered to every single rogue she fought and killed. Today should have been just a routine exercise checking the perimeter, find the intruder in our territory and either kill them on the spot if they were a rogue or escort them off our land if they were unaware of boundaries crossed. Not in a million years did anyone think Alpha Dante would be back to try to kill Ashley after all these years. No one had heard a word from him or about him. His whole pack had been silent for years.

After what felt like an eternity, lost in my despair, I pulled the hummer up at the edge of the Bloodmoon territory lines. As I came to a complete stop, I noted that over a dozen large S.U.V.s met me. I hadn't expected the Alphas to have such an extensive entourage with them. Alpha Miller had informed me earlier that the rest of their pack would be arriving a few hours later, so the sight confused me. As I climbed out of the car, I scanned the area for the two Alphas. My eyes settled on two large figures walking towards me. They were flanked by what I assumed were their Betas. I eyed them warily as they stopped 6 feet in front of me. I couldn't help but size the guys up. The two Alphas had to be at least 6'4, towering over their Betas. They were identical twins.

I straightened myself up to my full height and extended my hand. The guy on the left shook it with a firm shake, introducing himself as Alpha Kane. I offered my hand to his brother, who shook it with an identical firm squeeze, which I happily returned as he introduced himself as Alpha Rayne. He motioned towards the two guys standing behind them, presenting their Betas Will and Henry.

To my surprise, Kane tossed his car keys to his Beta Will and exclaimed that he and his brother were riding with me. I nodded in reply, unsure what to say. It was unusual for Alphas to ride with deltas; generally, they followed the escort in their vehicle.

As I pulled back onto the highway, I noticed the Alphas inhaling deeply.

I looked at the S.U.V.s that followed behind at a steady pace.

"So Zac, I see you are married," Alpha Rayne said from beside me, flicking a curious glance at the gold band on my wedding ring finger. Alpha Kane sat in the back of the hummer, his expressionless face boring holes into my head in the rear-view mirror. My nose flared slightly, not the topic I wanted to talk about right now but since I was in the car with not one but two Alphas, I felt compelled to reply. "No, I am unmated but in a long-term relationship," I replied, hoping that would be the end of his line of inquiry. For a few minutes, the car was silent, and then Kane's voice drifted from the back of the vehicle. "Anyone we would know", he said. I wanted to pinch the bridge of my nose; this was going to be one long car ride I thought.

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