Chapter Twenty-Eight - Alpha Twin's P.O.V (Kane)

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Rayne and I had spent almost the entire drive home in foul moods. We were respected amongst our pack members and as their Alphas, but still, the whispers that we were surely returning with us were going to fucking hurt. Two big badass Alphas had been rejected. Twice. What a fucking joke. Not only that, but every unmated female within a few hundred kilometres would now have their claws out, ready to try and sleep their way to the top. In our minds, a Luna was born, not made. No way that was happening. Not on my watch anyway.

Rayne and I were dreading the questions from our parents, our mother wanted nothing more than for us to find our mate and settle down, and now that we had found her, we were returning as discarded trash. That shit hurt.

I was just about to open my mouth to talk to Rayne about it when suddenly the loud music in the car stopped playing, and my phone started to ring, coming through the car stereo with an unknown number flashing across the screen. Coking my head sideways to glance at Rayne, who shrugs at me, obviously not a number he is familiar with either.

Being in a mood, I was tempted to let it go to message bank but then decided to answer just in case it was necessary. I am still trying to determine if it was the smartest or the dumbest thing I have ever done.
For several seconds I though I must have just missed the call and was ready to end it so that the music would start playing again when a small noise comes through the speakers letting me know someoneis indeed on the other end.

"Who is this," I snap impatiently, not caring to hide my irritation. When there is no prompt reply, Rayne spits out an irritated "Hello", and then we are floored when the voice replies eloquently stating it is Ashley on the other end.

Looking sideways at my brother, I can see his whole body tense, gripping the steering wheel in his hands tightly as he slows the car and then suddenly pulls over to the side of the road so he can look at me and listen to Ashley on the other end of the line. More silence, so Rayne decides to speak again.

At this point, I am lost for words. My thoughts are racing and wondering what Ashley wants and how she got our phone number. "What do you want?"Rayne barks, I recoil at the excessive harshness of his chosen words but don't say anything, Ashley doesn't deserve being treated like this, but I can also understand Raynes anger and trepidation. Knowing him, if he didn't keep his walls up, he would crumble and turn the car right back around and chase after her.

Rayne and I sit there in silence, waiting for Ashley to answer. Curious about why she has called us, and then she says something unexpected, something that has us losing our minds. A chance. Ashley wants a fucking chance. Neither of us saw the conversation going that way. Not in a million years. We were sure that the rejection had been final. Non-negotiable.

We didn't get a chance to respond, not that I think either of us would have been able to with the huge bomb Ashley just threw into our laps. She was on her way to River Run. To see us. The thought had my heart racing. Glancing shrewdly at Rayne, I knew his was too. Both of us exhaled loudly, just staring at each other.

Slow grins spread across our faces. "What the fuck was that? I say out loud. "I'm not sure, brother, but I sure am happy. I think", Rayne replies."We need to hurry up and get home and prepare the guesthouse for Ashley," Rayne continues. My eyebrows shoot up at the mention of the guesthouse. "Are you fucking serious?" I reply bluntly.

"What" is all he can respond with, merely shrugging his shoulders. "She rejected us remember. That shit hurt, and I don't think I can be in the same house as her right now," He responds defensively, not bothering to look at me as he does so. "You seriously want her staying alone with all the unmated males in our pack. I don't know Ashley, but I know them. They won't be able to keep their eyes off of her, and by now, they will know of her and the rejection," I snap back.

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