Chapter Forty-Nine - Ashley's P.O.V

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Chapter 49 - Ashley P.O.V

My first heat newly married was intense and came not long after our wedding ceremony, I felt like I was on fire with desire and honestly, I felt like locking myself away at how ridiculous my body was responding to every little touch and flirty look from Rayne, Kane and Zac. Not only that but it was driving the three of them and their wolves insane, all of them vying to be the one I mated with.

After much careful consideration I decided that the twins should have the first heat since they were technically my first mates, much to the annoyance of Zac who had to leave pack territory for a few days due to Callan constantly trying to come forward to claim Callie and I to produce offspring. I felt bad for Zac but knew in my heart that it was the right thing to do. The twins were a tad bit smug at the decision until I told them that I would miss a heat if they continued to taunt Zac about it. That shut them up pretty quickly and made them behave.

"Sucks to be you Zac" Rayne teases one final time as he climbs into his SUV. "But don't worry, we will take good care of Ash while you are gone" he continues with a snicker. The smile is quickly wiped off his face when I elbow him in the ribs and pretend to climb into the car with Zac. "Hold on, hold on babe. I was joking. Sorry Zac" Rayne hurriedly spits out, worry etching his handsome face. "You had better be Rayne, you don't know how much willpower it is taking Zac to drive away from here while I am in heat. A lesser man wouldn't be able to do it" I snark back. "Ouch" Kane replies while his brother just narrows his eyes at me in mock offense.

"It's ok Ashley, they may get the first heat but there are two of them and I will have you all to myself for the next one, depending on how well they can control their wolves when the time comes that is" Zac says with a smug smile on his face. "We can control our wolves just fine" Rayne snaps back, clearly annoyed that Zac would even think they couldn't. "Whatever you say bro" Zac replies as he starts the car, blowing me a kiss as he drives off leaving the three of us standing out the front of the packhouse in silence.

"Well" I say, turning to look at the twins "My clothes are definitely too hot and rubbing me in all the wrong places, or right places maybe, who is going to carry me back to our bedroom". Kane and Rayne both rush forward, not needing a second invitation. Kane beats Rayne to me a fraction of a second faster and hurriedly picks me up bridal style, racing us towards the front steps with a growling Rayne hot on his heels. "Fuck you smell good babe" Kane rumbles, the feeling vibrating through my body and making me clench my thighs tight to get some friction. If I didn't get these clothes off and soon I think I may just combust.

Rayne and Kane mind linked the household staff letting them know that they had the weekend off. I was grateful for that because I didn't want to embarrass myself with how horny I was feeling right now and how little self-control I seemed to currently possess. I was a little bit ashamed by what a hussy Callie and I were turning into and hoped like hell that I was able to have more control over my heat by the next one. "Stop over thinking things kitten" Kane says as he places me gently on our king-sized bed. "How about you stop treating me with kid gloves and give me what I need" I reply with snark, wanting my alphas to ravage me entirely. "Your wish is our command" Rayne purrs seductively.

I sit in rapture as I watch my mates rip the shirts from their bodies, followed quickly by their pants. It was like seeing all my fantasies coming true at once with the current view of their towering, well-muscled, inked bodies on display for me. I had to fan myself with my hand to stop from melting from the heat radiating from them. Moving myself further up the bed I reach for the hem of my shirt only for Rayne to stop me. "Allow me" he whispers seductively in my ear. Mere seconds later a ripping sound echoes through the room followed by a second one. Looking down I notice that I am completely naked, my clothes shredded and tossed to the floor. Feeling like a deer blinded in headlights I stare up at Rayne and Kane who are wearing matching smirks, obviously impressed with their effort of removing my clothing.

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