Chapter Seventeen - Ashley's P.O.V

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I sat down on the edge of my bed again as soon as I entered my room, staring gloomily at the dress I would be wearing to my destiny. I didn't yet know what it was but knew that I had to square my shoulders and take it head-on. I would make certain I looked every part the Luna when I did. I wouldn't display any signs of weakness, I thought with determination. I was Alpha Blood. God damn it.

The only time I had ever revealed any weakness in my entire life was with Alpha Dante. He had ravaged my body and stripped my wounded soul bare, twisting it until almost breaking point. I had always thought I was over the hold he maintained over me, but the other day proved that just his overpowering, sickly sweet scent was enough to have me cowering.

I would not cower from my destiny though. No matter how much it severely hurt. Letting out a frustrated sigh I stood up and walked towards my sleek black gown. It was stunning; I thought solemnly as I took it out of the protective bag and stepped warily into it. It was floor-length, had wrist-length sleeves, a deep V at the front that displayed my ample chest nicely along with a thigh-high side split. The gown was also backless, showing off my extensive back tattoos.

Cautiously looking at my reflection in the floor length mirror I realised the dress complimented my loose, curly silver hair and smoky eyes. I am in no way conceited but knew I looked good. Forcibly taking a few deep breaths, I exited my bedroom to go in desperate search of Zac. Showtime, I thought sadly.

I barely made it out of my room before I heard my name being called behind me. Turning around, I noticed my parents walking towards me hand in hand. "You look beautiful, darling," my mother said as she approached me. "Thanks, Mum, you look stunning yourself," I replied, leaning in to bestow a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Has Zac seen you in that dress?" my father asked, wiggling his eyebrows at me. "Yes, Dad. Who do you think chose it," I replied with a sarcastic laugh, rolling my eyes. "Your father and I have to go and greet our guests. We expect to see you two later so that we may make all the necessary introductions Ashley. There are quite a few people who are interested in making your acquaintance," She replied with a cryptic smile on her face.

"We wouldn't miss it," I replied, plastering what I hoped was a believable smile on my face. Just as I was about to walk off in the opposite direction, my father grasped me gently by the wrist, facing me back towards them once again. "Whatever happens tonight, Ashley, we are always here for you. No matter what. I just wanted you to know that, ok, kiddo," He said softly.

I couldn't reply. Not wanting to ruin my makeup, I took in several deep breaths and nodded at them before pulling away from my father's grip and walking down the long hallway.

I stopped just outside Zac's bedroom door to allow myself a few seconds to still my beating heart and gathermy wits. I didn't want to explain why I was so anxious nor repeat my father's words. Before I had the chance to reach the doorknob, the door suddenly opened.

Standing on the other side was Zac, and boy was he a sight for sore eyes. Rooted to the spot, unable to make my legs move as I drank in the sight of him wearing a tux. No matter how many times I had seen him dressed to impressed, it was never enough. I shamelessly allowed my eyes to leisurely roam his body, taking in every sexy line and curve of his muscular body.

When I finally settled on his handsome face, his eyes were hooded, making me let out a little squeak. It is evident by the bulge in his pants that he was thinking the same as he took in my appearance. "Fuck Ash, you are looking like a snack tonight," he said hoarsely.

Before I knew what was happening, Zac picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. He made little time locking the door behind us as he strode over to his bed with rapid footsteps.

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