Chapter Thirty-Four - Alpha Twin's P.O.V (Kane)

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The welcome ceremony had been perfect. The look in Ashley's eyes, when the entire pack welcomed her via mind-link, is one I will never forget. Her chin rose slightly, and her stunning eyes misted over. Ashley looked truly happy, and it made my heart burst with fierce pride, knowing that she was mine.

After the walls had been torn down by Ashley that morning, it was as if a flood gate had been opened. Neither Rayne nor myself could keep our hands-off of her nor stop our feelings if we tried. It was as if we were possessed and needed to touch her every moment we could snatch.

The pleasurable sensation touching her caused a sensation that I could not describe. It was foreign but not unwelcome. It set my skin on fire, full of heat and extraordinary pleasure. I had never been so consumed in my life, and I had to admit it, it genuinely scared the shit out of me that one person could do that to me.

Looking over at my brother, I knew the same could be said for him. He was currently pushing a stray piece of hair away from Ashley's face, tucking it behind her ear with a stupid grin on his face. She was smiling indulgently at him, and for a second, I was jealous. I knew I shouldn't have been but I was. As if sensing my unease Ashley places her small hand on my thigh under the table, giving it a gentle squeeze. Electricity shot straight to my heart, along with my groin.

The simple touch was as if she knew I needed reassurance, and it made my heart soar knowing that she thought of my emotions as well.
"Do you think it would be rude if we left already?" Rayne earnestly asked via mind-link with a slight huff. "Ask our Luna," I smilingly reply with considerable pride.

I don't think I will ever tire of calling Ashley our Luna. She is more than worthy of the title; I just hoped that my brother and I could one day be worthy of her, the thought instantly made my chest tight with incredible sadness. After how we had treated her the last week, I knew we didn't deserve such a magnificent she-wolf as Ashley.

"Ask me what," Ashley suddenly says meekly via mind-link, which has Rayne and I both whipping our heads in her direction. Sitting between us with a shy smile on her lovely face, which makes us both grin instantly. "I saw the look in both your eyes. "Spit it, out guys," she continues eagerly, humor dancing in her eyes as she looks between our sheepish faces.

"She's got us there, brother," I reply with. Knowing there is no point denying the fact that we want to be alone with Ashley.
Anxious moments later, we have hastily thanked everyone for being here to celebrate with us and welcome Ashley, and then we are dragging her gently between us towards our house much to the amusement, and horror, of our parents.

A small crease appears between Ashley's eyebrows when we turn to walk past the packhouse, but she doesn't question us, which makes me smile. She must at least trust us, I think happily. Rayne surprisingly throws me the keys to the hummer, which has me narrowing my eyes at him.

Sensing me boring a hole in the side of his head, he turns to me with a shit-eating grin on his face when he picks Ashley up, a squeak of apparent surprise leaving her pretty mouth, as he tosses her over his shoulder and strides confidently towards the car while swatting her on the arse.

"Put her down," I grumble internally at my brother. "Shut up and drive," he replies with a smirk. Shit, no time to be jealous, I think, breaking out into a light jog, the asshole is right. For once. When I reach the car Rayne doesn't let go of Ashley. He shifts her until they are both sitting in the passenger seat of the car and fuck me if she doesn't look delicious with a shy smile on her face, red creeping up her throat and burning cheeks.

Ashley notices my direct gaze and leans over to plant a sweet kiss on my lips. "Start the fucking car", Rayne chuckles impatiently via mind-link as I fumble desperately with the keys.

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