Chapter Ten - Alpha Twins P.O.V (Rayne)

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Alpha Rayne's P.O.V

Late in the evening, when everyone had retired for the night, Kane and I decided to check out the surroundings on our own. All throughout the day we caught the same delicious aroma every so often, it wasn't strong, but there was no denying it was there. It had Jax and Hunter going crazy.

We made sure nobody was nearby as we slipped out into the forest behind the guest house, knowing that the second patrol of the night would have already been past this area half an hour ago. Once in the dense forest, we rapidly changed into our wolf forms, hoping to relieve some of their pent-up tension.

They were beginning to get on both our nerves. We were a bit apprehensive letting them come forward after their antics last time but knew we had to let them burn of some of their excess energy if we wanted to stay sane. 

"Where should we look first, brother" Kane asked via the mind-link. "I think we should look around the perimeter, allow the boys to stretch their legs and then have a quick roam through town", I replied. Kane nodded in agreement and took off into the darkest depths of the forest.

"We need to find mate", Hunter growled loudly, the sound reverberating through the night air. "Give it time, Hunter. The ball is in less than 48 hours. We are bound to encounter them there. We can't go sniffing every she-wolf in this territory without offending," I snorted.

"I say we sniff every single fucking one of them", Hunter replied with an arrogant snarl. "Mate is close by. I want to claim mate tonight," he growled, pushing himself harder and faster through the forest floor.

"What's up, Rayne," Kane asked, jumping logs and small ditches to catch up. "Hunter is pissed off still", I replied through gritted teeth. "You bet I am", he snarled again. "Stop playing games and find mate".

That's it, I thought, I had had enough. The little wound up rubber band that was my patience finally snapped. I forced Hunter to stop abruptly and shifted back into my human form without warning. Hunter tried several times to surge forward, to take control again, but I wouldn't allow it.

"ENOUGH", I roared. The sound had Hunter retreating to the furthest corner of my mind with his tail between his legs, and a pissed off look etched on his face. I didn't care how far away from the guest house we were or the fact that I hadn't thought to bring a change of clothing. I was determined to walk all the way back on my own two legs.

Jax must have also been giving Kane hell as he too shifted back to his human form with a huff.

We must have walked for over an hour at least until finally the guest house came back into sight. Instead of heading back towards it though, we decided to head down the main street, letting our noses lead the way.

The town looked newly built, at least in the last 20 years, and was reasonably large. The houses were all in good repair, and all sat neatly in rows. We walked around for another hour or so testing the air for all the distinctive scents. We were about to give up our search for the mysterious vanilla aroma that was driving the boys wild when we came to the dead-end of a long road. At the end of it stood a decent-sized hospital close to the training grounds.

We both instinctively inhaled deeply. "Do you smell that, brother?" I asked, letting the smell encompass me entirely. It was so intoxicating Hunter sprung back to life and was practically drooling.

"I do, brother", he replied, his eyes turning from brown to almost black as the night. It was obvious Jax was trying to come forward. Neither of us seemingly had control of our own actions at the moment as our feet started to propel us forwards towards the delicious scent. 

Just as we approached the building on autopilot, a porch light came on across the street, startling us. The spell was broken and we hastily took off back towards our temporary accommodation; we didn't want to explain to anyone why two enormous and very exposed males from a rival pack were roaming the streets well past the witching hour.

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