Chapter Sixteen - Ashley's P.O.V

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Thank You KezziKat for your kind words xx You gave me the push I needed to finish this chapter today and to start on the next two. The more likes/comments/follows I get the more my confidence to tell the story grows xxx I apprecite you all.

The frustrating day had dragged on as typically expected. Zac was still in a weird mood, but I wisely decided to let it go and not press him about it. I knew Zac inside and out and knew he would ultimately tell me what was on his mind.

We didn't have secrets, and I hoped we never would. I had prayed to the Goddess more than once today that tonight would be the night that Zac found his mate. I knew it would shatter my soul. It was inevitable, though, and I just wanted to rip the band-aid off already and initiate the healing process.

To me, it made sense, no matter how much it would undoubtedly hurt. I wasn't confident I would be capable of controlling myself once he introduced me to his other half. I had thought over the years I would rip her fucking head off in a fit of fierce jealousy, condemning him to a life of unspeakable misery like my own. I wouldn't do it to him, in any case.

There were what-ifs in my head about finally finding my mate and leaving Zac to die in agony all alone if I did. I mean, I could reject my mate for him, but he would always have a hole in his innocent heart. Moreover, there was a genuine fear of him naturally resenting me and my actions any time I thought I could intentionally destroy his mate.

Zac loathing me would be a lifetime of eternal misery. A life I could never desire for myself. I have always wanted him in my life. No matter how much it hurt. I took in a shuddering breath, squaring my shoulders as I made my conscious decision. No, I would not stand in his way. I would accept my penance for the part I played with falling in love with an unmated male.

I huffed as I pushed myself off the bed where I had been staring at my sleek black gown for over an hour. As I stood, I had to allow my eyes to adjust to my surrounding. How long had I been lost in anxious thought, I wondered sadly. As my eyes adjusted to the harsh light of the room, Callie come forward.

"Remember your promise Ashley," Callie said, rising to her nimble feet. "I do, Callie. We don't have much time until we must be at the Ball, but I will allow you to speak to Callan before I get ready," I said with a slight smile.

Callie merely gave me a mournful smile back and instantly lowered her head in apparent defeat. "I'm sorry, Ashley," She said in a low-pitched voice. "Don't be Callie. I always knew this was going to happen the moment I touched him," I choked back, swiping at the tears that fell from my eyes.

"Zac, can you meet me in the forest behind the packhouse in 10 minutes, please," I said using the mind-link. At first, there was no reply, and I naturally wondered if Zac had intentionally blocked me. I was just about to ask again when he spoke. "Sure, Ashley, I was just about to suit up, but I will see you soon", He said, promptly ending the mind-link.

Fifteen minutes passed before I observed Zac hurrying along with the carefully manicured back lawn that separated the packhouse and vast forest behind it. He had the same scowl on his face that he had worn all day. When Zac observed me gently leaning against a huge pine tree, it was swiftly replaced by a genuine grin.

"Hey Ash," he called softly as he stealthily approached me like a tiger. I naturally loved his animalistic side; it drove Callie and me wild. The look in his eye was mischievous as he closed the distance between us. I couldn't think when he looked at me like that. It was unnerving how much his commanding presence powerfully affected me.

Even Callie was standing to attention, wagging her long fluffy tail in genuine appreciation. Zac didn't stop in front of me. Instead he pressed himself into me, gently forcing me up against the rough bark of the tree.

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