Chapter 2

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Later that night, I was packing a bag to leave and a knock on my door stopped me. Grabbing my side arm, I looked through my peep hole and seeing Gibbs, I rested my head on the door. Pausing for a moment, I debated on opening the door and before I could come to a decision, Gibbs called,

"I'm not going anywhere, (First Name). Open the door." Sighing, I holstered my side arm and opened the door, standing in the doorway. 


"Worried about something?" 

"No, no." 

"Then, are you going to let me in?" 

"...Yeah, come on in." 

As Gibbs came into my house, he noticed the fact that I had a bag packed and that my side arm wasn't put into the lock box. 

"Going somewhere?"


"Out of town?"

"No, my house is gonna get steam cleaned and I need to be out of the way. So, I'll be staying in a hotel." I lied, knowing it wouldn't get past him. He didn't mention it, but we both knew that he knew. Gibbs was examining me and he walked over to my bag, asking,

"What hotel?" 

"Days Inn."

"The one near the diner?"

Nodding, he grabbed my bag and I raised a brow at him, as he remained the functional mute. His eyes locked onto mine and I felt my face heat up, greatly. Knowing now that he wanted to drive me, I broke our eye contact and reached around him to grab my bag, saying softly,

"I have to go. It's probably best if you head home, Boss." Gibbs stepped closer to me and asked, quietly,

"Are you hiding something from me?" We were very close and if I moved any closer to him, his precious rule twelve would be done for. Swallowing, I stepped away from him and shook my head, holding back my emotions. 

"I really have to go, Boss."

"(First Name), I'm here if you need me."

"I know, Boss." We walked out of my house together and he was studying me the entire time, holding himself back from asking about Kepler. When he got into his truck, he hesitated and requested,

"(F/N), let me know when you get to your hotel."


"That's not a request." He interrupted, smiling softly and I smiled, replying,

"Yes, Boss." When he finally left, I opened my trunk and put my bag in, quickly. Walking around to the driver's seat, I noticed a note on my windshield. Pausing, I looked around and grabbed the note, reading it,

'I see you.' My hands were shaking, I'm just glad Gibbs left before he could see this. 

"Fuck this." I growled, getting into the driver's seat and slamming the door. Calling Vance, I waited for him to answer and when he did, he asked,

"Has something happened?"

"I got a note from my little psycho." I replied, heading towards the Navy Yard and forgetting about the hotel all together. 


"He sees me, apparently."


"Look, can I stay at NCIS?" 

"Of course."

"Would you mind if I stay in your office? I won't touch anything, pinkie promise." 

Vance chuckled and I could hear his eye roll, as he replied,

"Of course, you can." 

"Thank you!" I called, happily and Vance being one of my closest friends, I knew I could count on him. When I got to the office, I went up to Vance's office and he was still there, which surprised me. 

"Hey, Leon. I didn't know you'd still be here." I greeted, putting my bag down on his couch and he asked,

"Why don't you stay at my place, tonight?"

"I can't risk put you and your family in danger, Leon." I replied, sitting on his couch and taking off my shoes, getting ready to go shower. 

"You're my friend, (F/N). I'm willing to help you."

"Leon, you've two beautiful children...I'm not risking their safety or yours. Got it, Director?" 

"I got it, Agent." 

We were both smiling and I grabbed my bathroom bag, telling him,

"Go on, head home. I'm going shower." Vance nodded and got his briefcase together, leaving as I went down to the showers. 

About an hour later, when I got back Vance was gone and I was able to try to get some rest on his couch. I was checking my phone and eventually I fell asleep, but at around three in the morning my phone woke me up. 

"Hello?" I answered, groggily, and Gibbs replied,

"Oh, sounds like I woke you up." 

"Oh, Gibbs. Yeah, yeah. It's 3 AM. I was asleep."

"Not at your hotel."

"And how would you know that?"

"Well, I called to see if you got there safe. Seeing as you didn't call me and they told me that you canceled your room." 


"Did your steam cleaners change the dates?"

"Heh. No, I found somewhere else to stay. Don't worry about it, Boss. I'm safe. Try to get some sleep."

"Alright. I'll see you later." 

"Bye, Boss." 

When I hung up, I laid back down and smiled, softly. 

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