Chapter 15

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Two hours later, I was sitting in the waiting room and Leon was with me, trying to not stress. Every time the door from the operation rooms opened, we hoped that it was for us and this time was no different, as we both stood up.

"(First Name) (Last Name)?" The doctor called, making us both sigh and I replied,


"She had a lot of internal bruising, two broken ribs, her ankle is badly fractured, the muscle in her thigh is severed, and the cuts on her back were extremely deep. Fortunately, we were able to realign her ankle, and were able to stitch the tear back together. The bad news is that the cuts on her back were plentiful and her ankle will take a few months to heal. We weren't able to stitch the cuts, so she'll need to be kept under observation here for about a week. When we do release her, she can't be left on her own. She'll have someone to stay with her?" Her doctor explained, flipping through her charts and I looked to Leon, expecting him to step up. However, Leon looked back at me and replied,

"He'll be staying with her. Can we see her?"

"One of you." Her doctor answered, looking to us and Leon smiled, softly. Looking down he huffed,

"Go on, Jethro."

"What? No, Leon. You're her-"

"She'll want to see you when she wakes up."

"She'll want to see you too."

"Jethro, go. Go on."

"..." Staying quiet, I looked down and nodded, looking back to her doctor. Her doctor smiled and motioned me to follow her through to (F/N)'s room. When I got in there, seeing her attached to all the machines made my heart sink and approaching her, I lifted the blankets on her leg. Looking at her thigh, I frowned at the brand that was still there and her doctor answered my unspoken question, softly,

"She'll be able to come back when she comes to get her stitches out and schedule a day to get the cosmetic surgery to get rid of it." Tucking her back in, I turned to her doctor and held out my hand, replying,

"Thank you." She smiled and shook my hand, leaving without replying to me. Going around, I pulled a chair closer to (F/N)'s bed and grabbed her hand, gently. Pressing a kiss to her knuckles, I wanted more than anything for her to wake up and talk to me, but I knew better.

I don't know what time I fell asleep, but I do know that when I woke up, I felt fingers combing through my hair. Sitting up, I saw (F/N) was looking at me and I grabbed her hand, gently. She moved to cup my face and I let her, relishing in feeling her touch.

"Jethro..." (F/N) tried, but her voice failed and I felt my heart clench, as I reached out for her face. However, I she flinched and I stopped, apologizing,

"I'm sorry..." (F/N) shook her head, moving her hand over my mouth and shaking her head. When she removed her hand from my mouth, she held up six fingers and I moved to sit on the edge of her bed, replying,

"Fuck my rules." As (F/N) went to open her mouth, I interjected,

"Don't speak. Your vocal cords are shot. You need to rest and heal. Has your doctor been in to update you, yet?" She nodded and I smiled, asking,

"Can I..." I motioned to her face and she nodded, angling her face to me. Reaching out, again, I caressed her face and when I made contact with her cheek, she seemed shocked.

"I just want to make sure this is real...That you're here." I informed, some stress leaving me and (F/N) pulled my face towards her, making me rest my forehead on her own. Kissing her forehead, I moved to sit back in the chair. However, I was stopped her I felt her fingers curl into the fabric of my shirt, catching my attention. (F/N) wasn't looking at me, but I sighed,

"I'm not going anywhere, but I can't take up your bed all day." This response made her pout and she couldn't talk, which was frustrating her. Smiling, softly, I moved back to sitting next to her on the bed and asked,

"Want to call Leon?" (Y/N) smiled, nodding and I pulled out my phone, hitting his speed dial number.

The rest of the week went by similarly, trying to communicate in anyway possible and having different visitors. Leon took my place a everyday so that I could go home and shower before coming back for the night with (F/N). As for her voice, she was able to start talking by the end of the week and it was a relief.

"Jethro, you don't have to stay with me." (F/N) argued, as we left the hospital and I shook my head, replying,

"Doctor's orders." (F/N) rolled her eyes, getting into my truck and when we got to my house, she went to get out going to grab her crutches. However, I stopped her and picked her up, bridal style.

"Hold on." I whispered, as she linked her hands behind my neck and I closed her car door, turning to the house. Making sure I didn't hit her leg on anything, I placed her on my couch and before I left her, I pressed a kiss to her forehead.

"I'm going to get a bag together. Won't take long."

Later that night, (F/N) was in her room trying to get some sleep and I was laying on the couch. I fell asleep, but two hours later I was woken up by (F/N) screaming. Jumping off the couch, I grabbed my Sig and ran into (F/N)'s room, looking around.

After clearing the room, I looked to (F/N) and she was under her covers, hiding. Crying. Placing my Sig on her bedside table, I pulled the comforter down slowly. When (F/N)'s eyes met mine, she threw her arms around my neck and started crying, hard. Wrapping my arms around her, I tried to comfort her and it took twenty minutes for her to calm down. Pulling away from her, I caressed her face and asked,

"You okay?" She nodded and I smiled, going to stand up. However, (F/N)'s grip tightened on me and I titled my head, in silent question.

"Stay with me...Please." I knew I should tell her no, but I couldn't just leave her. Grabbing my Sig, I put it on the other bedside table and got into her bed, keeping enough distance to make sure she was comfortable. (F/N) reached out towards me, grabbed my shirt and tugged, gently. Moving closer, I was close enough so that she could cling to me and she fell asleep, quickly. Kissing her forehead, I closed my eyes and fell back asleep myself.

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